How To Get Rich Quick For the Kids at the Age of 9?

First of all the question is that - Can Kids become rich by themselves in their teen age or pre-teen age? And if yes than how?

Well, answer is both yes and no.
If we are talking about the industrial age (before 1990) than the answer is NO. Kids can't get rich at the age of 9 or even in teen age because teens are not allowed to work. Teens are not allowed to work in the industrial age. Kids are not allowed to earn money at all. And it was the major limitation of the industrial age.

But well, the answer is yes if we are talking about the information age (after 1990). This is because in the information age because of the internet, the kids from anywhere in the world started making money online.

Not only this but they started becoming rich and ultra-rich in their teen age before leaving their high schools. This is because of the internet. While in case of Industrial age, the businesses of people can not run day and night, during the wars or during the political instability but in case of online businesses, they used to run day and night even without your presence or even during the political instabilities.

Because of the internet, kids started putting their side business apart on the internet and started making money. Many kids are successfully running their Blog business, website business, forums, iPhone applications, Facebook applications and many other kind of online businesses and earn literally 6 figure income every year from their internet businesses.

While a person who is near his retirement is making far less money than this. Thus, the moral of the story is that people who have followed the principles of the information age have become more successful and financially sound than people who followed the principles of the industrial age.

It's like people who had followed the principles of the industrial age are fooled by the industrial age. Means there is no sense in working hard for years until the age of 65 years to live paycheck to paycheck.

Rather than that information kids prefer to work hard for just 5 years to build their internet business, put it on the autopilot and later on take the early retirement and travel the world.

Just tell me that which path do you like in your life? The path of information age or the path of the Industrial Age?

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