Well, all you need is the website/blog/forum having quality and unique content in any niche to get approved for the AdSense. Here is the website address of Google AdSense.
Google AdSense Website
How to Apply for Google AdSense?
Once you will visit AdSense website, you will be asked to Sign-up. The above is the AdSense Sign-up form. You will have to fill that entire form and submit it.
Google will review your application and reply to you within a week. But to get approved for AdSense, first of all build a website/blog having at least 150 unique and information rich articles. After that, apply for the AdSense account.
Google AdSense Website
How to Apply for Google AdSense?

Google will review your application and reply to you within a week. But to get approved for AdSense, first of all build a website/blog having at least 150 unique and information rich articles. After that, apply for the AdSense account.