How to Make Money from Google in India?

Well, all you need is the website/blog/forum having quality and unique content in any niche to get approved for the AdSense. Here is the website address of Google AdSense.
ScreenHunter_01 Dec. 18 13.31
Google AdSense Website
How to Apply for Google AdSense?
ScreenHunter_02 Dec. 18 13.31 Once you will visit AdSense website, you will be asked to Sign-up. The above is the AdSense Sign-up form. You will have to fill that entire form and submit it.
Google will review your application and reply to you within a week. But to get approved for AdSense, first of all build a website/blog having at least 150 unique and information rich articles. After that, apply for the AdSense account.

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