How to Twitt on Twitter?

Julia Angwin on The Wall Street Journal
Twitter Search
Twitter is the new Social Medium and is growing at a very faster rate. Exactly one year ago, Twitter has only 1.2 Million active users and just 2 months back it has 6 Million Active users worldwide and last month Tweeter grown 33% in a single month and Today Twitter has 8 Million Active users worldwide.

Web Entrepreneurs are very much optimistic about the Twitter. And Web Gurus are advising right now that Twitter is Essential to grow your Web Business Exponentially….
Because Searching through Twitter is very easy. Just go to and search about your name, company’s name, product, brand, service or anything and you will know in a split of seconds that what people are talking about your Company, product or service?….
Twitter is a very useful tool to Grow your Business. 

This is the Information Age and in the Information Age you can be more rich if you have more Information.
Julia Angwin says her Experience about using Twitter First time on The Wall Street Journal….
“When I first joined Twitter, I felt like I was in a noisy bar where everyone was shouting and nobody was listening.

Soon, I began to decode its many mysteries: how to find a flock of followers, how to talk to them in a medium that blasts to lots of people at once and how to be witty in very tiny doses.
Twitter is a mass text-messaging service that allows you to send short 140-character updates -- or "tweets" -- to a bunch of people at once. They are your "followers." It was designed to be read on a cellphone, though many people read it online, too.
Suddenly a lot of non-tweeters are starting to feel left out. On "The Daily Show" this week, host Jon Stewart reported on Twitter with a wink (or was it a twink?) at the narcissism of the personal broadcasting system. It has a world-wide audience of six million unique visitors a month, up from 1.2 million a year ago, according to ComScore Media Metrix.
But I have to admit I didn't understand the appeal of Twitter when I joined, at the prodding of friends, in November. One answer that explains its popularity: It's not about chatting with your friends -- it's about promoting yourself.

My name was available, so I set up a profile at On Twitter, however, you do not exist without followers, who subscribe to receive your messages. So I set out to follow some people in the hope that they would follow me.

I had to learn the crucial distinction between a "follower" and a "friend." On Facebook, if I'm your friend, you're my friend, and we can read all about each other. Relationships on Twitter are not reciprocal: People you follow do not have to follow you or give you permission to follow them. You just sign up and start following them. It's a bit like stalking. Heather Gold, a comedian and Twitter devotee, points out that for all its flaws, the term follower "is more honest than friend."
At first, I was the loneliest of social creatures -- a leader without followers. I tried searching for my actual real-world friends using Twitter's "Find People" function, but it was down the day I joined. (Twitter is growing so fast that short outages are not unusual.)

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