New Kids on the Blog by Nikhil Menon of Times Group -

I have read the Article by Mr.Nikhil Menon in “The Economic Times”. The Article was “New Kids on the Blog”.
The Article was so informative and interesting that, I have decided to discuss that Article here with you readers.
Here are few Pieces of the Article,
“Blogs are not just for Self-expression. A Clutch of Entrepreneurs are also making money from Blogging and living off it. – Nikhil Menon….

“Thirty-two years old Amit Agarwal, an IIT-Roorkee grad, quit his software engineering in 2004 to start blogging full-time. He wanted to showcase his work and lap up freelance assignments that abound on the Net. Amit Says, “I knew that even if the blog did not work, I could still land a good job. So I decided to take the plunge”. Agarwal has launched in 2004. He pumped in content on software & gadgets reviews, personal web applications & tutorials on it. In time, number of visitors grew and Agarwal added advertising to his Blog. He soon realizes that he was running a full-time ‘business’ and did not need to take up a job. 5 years down the line, Agarwal’s Gamble seemed to paid off. His site has about 40,000 registered users and he makes around Rs.2 Lakhs from it a Month.
Now Blogs are run as Companies & their owners are CEOs……..”
Here are few Indian Bloggers who are making lots of money from their Blogs.
- Rajesh Barnwal of
- Kiruba Shanka, Chennai based Engineer of
- Ajay Jain of, & Ajay
Ajay Jain says, “Mention your blog in your visiting cards, letterheads, email signatures and even make bumper stickers. Once the traffic comes, Money will follow………”
Still in India, the Blogging is in Nascent stage. & people don’t know the potential of Blogging. The main advantage of doing a Business in the Information Age is that, whole the world is connected to the Internet. So your success will determined by “How many Eye Balls (Web traffic) you control.”
The more eye balls you control, the more you will become popular and Rich.
I have started this Blog 1 year before in March 2008 and today after one year this Blog has 100 regular feed readers. According to me, PASSION & PERSISTANCE is the key to successful Blogging.
You Must be PASSIONATE about the subject on which you Blog & You Must be PERSISTENT.
Blogging is not the over night money making Game. Yeah, Surely it will make you rich very quickly than traditional ways of making money. But it is not at all the overnight process.
Still Most of the Indians don’t know that Blogging is a Business, A Web Business…….
I advise young & college going students to start their own Web Business (Blogging) as early as possible in their life means NOW…….. Because it will take a time to grow your Business, Web traffic & Revenue.
Let me tell you that there are so many people around this world who have made millions of dollars by blogging in their early thirties……. So you can also do the same…………
Not only this, But your Blog is your Asset just life your Home, Stocks, Bonds, Gold & Mutual Funds. You can sell it for millions of dollars in future and take early retirement if you want……….!!!!!!!!
So Understand the power of Information Age & do your Business in the Information Age….!!!!!

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