Online Income Sources – Making Money Online….

This is the Information age & its really easy to get rich quick in the Information Age say in your late twenties or early thirties. All you need is a Web Site & That’s it…. You can Develop Multiple Online Income Sources & Make Money Online…….

There are several Online Income Sources. But broadly they are divided into 8 Categories. I will teach you in this Article that how you can earn Money from each of the Online Income Source & get rich in your twenties & thirties?

01) Blogging / Writing -
This is the Most Common source and my favourite Online Income Source. You can make money by blogging & writing in several ways. One common way is, you just launch a Blog on the subject on which you are passionate about and start showing Adds on it by various Advertising programs such as Google AdSense, Chitika, Amazon, AdBrite….etc…. So whenever the web traffic comes to your site, it will start clicking those adds and you will get paid.
Right now there are so many people around this world who are making 6 figure Income in dollars by doing this only.
Now if you are a natural writer than you can write articles for already established blogs and websites. Commonly they pay you $ 5-10 per article of anywhere between 400-1000 words. Right now several writers around this world are doing this.

02) Selling Products & Services -
Another Online Income Source is, you launch a Website, Incorporate an e-Shopping Cart in it, Marketing your Website & start selling Products & Services on the Web site. Of course, you will have to put a lots of marketing effort initially, but once your Brand Value develops, your web site will become a fairly steady source of Online Income for you.
You can Sell Virtually Any Product or Service Online. If you want to see a complete list than simply go to and see 20,000 products among 18,000 product categories.

03) Auctions -
This is the another very common Online Income Source. The Most Common site of Auction is Many people have a common misbelieve that, to do an Auction you need some rare, antique item. But it is not so. You can simply buy any item online and sell it for higher price on by doing an Auction.
You won’t believe this, but many people around this world are making literally millions of dollars by doing an Auction on e-bay.
04) Affiliate Sales -
Affiliate Sales is another great Online Income Source. Affiliate Selling means, you sell the products of other companies on your site. is one such affiliate website. To become rich in the Information Age, you don’t have to develop your own Product but you can just sale others’ products and make money by charging heavy commissions.

05) Direct Advertising -
If your Blog, Forum, Web site, Community is a Giant than you can directly negotiate with some company and display advertises of that company for heavy amount. Right now so many giant bloggers are making heavy duty income by doing this only.

06) Ad Programmes (Google AdSense, YPN, Chitika, AdBrite…etc..) -
There are several Ad Programmes on the web. You can chose any one of them and simply start showing adds on your blog. The adds that you see around this articles are provided by Google AdSense so whenever you click on these adds, I will be get paid. Many Bloggers are earning literally millions of dollars every year by doing this.
You can display these adds on your websites and forums also.

07) Online Education -
Education Industry is a growing Industry and people are hungry for a good quality education. You can sell any educational programme online in Digital form. There is a huge market space for this on the web. You have to do effective marketing to do this and that’s it. you are success….

08) Trading (Buying & Selling) Web Businesses Online -
This is another relatively new one and most exciting Online Income Source. Trading Web Businesses Online. Some Entrepreneurs around this world, first buy a Web Business from the web at lower price, do its proper marketing, sometimes restructure it and after that sell it to other for almost 100-1000 times profit….

Yes, this is true. I am not kidding. Almost 100 to 1000 times profit. Some people have bought web businesses for just $ 10,000 and sold for literally $ 12-15 Millions after 1-2 years of restructuring and marketing it.
You can Trade Web Businesses on or
You can Trade Web Businesses on

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