
Right personality


There are eight key qualities that all top network marketing leaders possesses. Some or even many of these, you have already put into action. To be a leader-and set an example that others can duplicate — you must learn the remaining ones. To practice all eight core qualities means you’ve made and honored a commitment to “go core.” To develop your business, you must identify and work with the people in your organization who are willing to make this same commitment. Let’s take a look at these core qualities fundamentally in three categories.


           STEP 1           TEACHABILITY

      Practice Art of listening
      Get ready to change
      Priority setting
      Get ready to face failure & learn from it


      Use own company product, not brand X
      Time, money & word
      Clear vision and thought
      Have faith on your work, be excited
      Respect everybody & have affection
      Think positive, Speak positive, Be positive
      Helping attitude

(Counseling upline)

      Don’t do anything for the first time without consulting with your active, growing upline
      Choose your role model in your sponsorship line & be in touch with him
      Unconditionally surrender before your purpose


STEP 4           BOOKS

·         Read recommended books at least 20 minutes before & after sleep
Ø  Magic of thinking big,
Ø  How to win friends & influence people)

STEP 5           TAPES/CDS

       Use this direct & purest form of education at least 30 minutes a day
      Recommended Tapes/CDs
Ø  Kshyamadan
Ø  Be Core Teach Core
Ø  Edification
Ø  Your 10%
Ø  Raaz ki baat
Ø  High Speed
Ø  Shuruwati saat din

STEP 6           FUNCTIONS

      Attend all function without fail

Ø   Weekly meeting
Ø   Monthly seminar
Ø   Distributor Training Workshop DTW)
Ø   Leadership Development Program (LDP)
Ø   3 day learning workshop



      What you do is what your people model exponentially
      Product loyalty (No other product for any reason)
      Culture of purchasing product for self use in the first week
      Create a culture of purchasing at least of Rs. 1,000/- per month


      Sequence of presentation
Ø   2 on 1
Ø   1 on 1
Ø   Home meeting

1. Use All of the Products & Develop a Consumer Group
To “go core” means that if your company has a product —you would never buy a competing product for any reason. A “Brand X” product purchase takes money out of your business and puts it in someone else’s. This kind of practice will put you out of business quickly. A core person never buys “Brand X,” regardless of sales, convenience or any other reason. It’s simply bad business. You must use all of your company’s products that apply to you and be able to talk knowledgeably and enthusiastically about them — to effectively build your business.

Your business is driven by the volume produced by sales to the end consumer. A great deal of those sales will be to distributors who “buy from their own store” and use the products themselves. But there are many other people who will benefit from your products or services — but are not interested in building a business at this time. These people will become your consumer group. It’s critical that you develop this consumer group. This is good business, because you: service the people who aren’t distributors, but need your product or service; earn retail income; develop consistent income you can count on from regular customers; and, build personal group volume, which can keep you qualified to earn many other lucrative bonuses and incentives. It’s a good goal when you’re just starting out to develop a base of at least ten retail customers.
NOTE: Please don’t go out trying to sell products retail first —   then attempt to sneak the business in the back door. Present the whole program — business and products — and let the prospect decide. Get your retail customers, from the people who choose not to participate in the business.

2. Make Regular Presentations
Like every business, network marketing requires consistently taking action steps. One of the most important of these is making regular presentations. Realistically, you need to be making 1 or 2 presentations per day when you start your business (working 10 to 12 hours a week). As your business grows, you will want to increase this number. When you reach what I consider “full time” in this business (about 25 hours a week), Of course, not all these presentations will be new prospects that you want to sponsor personally. Many of them will be presentations you are conducting for your people as you train them and build depth.
You must consistently make presentations if you want to grow your business. Don’t be misled into thinking you’re growing your business with “busy work” (reading manuals, going to seminars, filling out forms, etc.). These things are important, but they are support functions to the real business — which is making presentations to prospects.

3. Spend Daily Self-Development Time
If I’ve discovered one truth, it is this: your business will grow only as fast as you do. Initially, you need recruiting and training skills. Later, you need time management and organizational skills. Ultimately, however, you will need leadership, communication and empowerment abilities. To develop others, you must first develop yourself.
It’s important that you spend daily self-development time. For most people, this is best done in the morning, before you start your day. You might meditate, exercise, listen to inspirational tapes, read - anything that helps you grow your mind, body and soul. Set aside this time and stick to it.
Invest in audiotapes, books and videos that help you develop. Keep tapes in your car to play at every opportunity throughout the day. Get a portable cassette player and use it when you go walking or cycling. Also, don’t end your day by watching the late news then going to sleep. Make sure the last input you receive before going to bed is positive — even if it’s just reading one paragraph in an inspirational book.

4. Attend Everything
Functions are the glue that holds your business together. Attending them helps you grow your business, gives you crucial training and keeps you focused. In your regional area you will have the chance to attend opportunity showcases, product workshops and rallies. If these are 2 to 3 hours driving distance, you will want to attend. There will be other events, such as conventions and leadership conferences which are held annually. These are major, often life-changing events and you’ll want to schedule your vacation time around them — so you never miss one.

5. Edify the Organization
Savvy distributors learn that they must edify their sponsorship line. When you point out the success and accomplishments of your sponsors — it makes those sponsors more effective when they come to work with both your prospects and distributors. Many times you will find it difficult to be a prophet in your hometown.
Sometimes your friends and relatives aren’t yet ready to accept that a powerful, positive concept can come from you. By edifying your sponsorship line — then bringing your prospects to them, you’ll have support to hold you over until you develop some initial success and credibility. Likewise, your sponsorship line can help you when you’re working with your new distributors.

6. Practice Accountability
For years now, scheme and money circulation have been masquerading as legitimate network marketing programs. This means those of us in true programs must be beyond reproach. We must set a standard of integrity much higher than the corporate world.
Network marketing is a business of relationships — and relationships operate on trust. To earn and maintain that trust —you must be accountable. We can never tell a lie to our distributors or customers and be accountable. Accountability also means that when we write checks, they’re good; when we promise to work with someone, we follow through; and when we commit to attend an event, we’re there — on time.
Accountability means that when we have a product display with 24 products — there will still be 24 products on the table at the end of the night. It means never approaching someone else’s prospect or attempting to steal distributors from another line. You will create the culture of your organization. If you do it right — it will mean you can hold a function and 800 women can leave their purses on their chairs, come back, and find everything exactly as they left it!

7. Be Teachable
If you want to build your business in the fastest manner possible — you must be teachable and willing to be coached. You will find network marketing is quite different from traditional businesses. Things that work great in sales, simply do not work well in network marketing. Your sponsorship line has learned the methods, strategies and techniques that work best in your business. They will work with you and teach you everything they know without charging you a penny. Your sponsor is the repository of all the experience of many generations of distributors — all the way to the company. Learn from them.

8. Follow the System
Leaders understand that “lone rangers” can be successful initially — but will not enjoy long term success. For residual income — and walk-way security, you must follow a step-by-step duplicatable system. This means that everyone in your organization uses the same pre-approach pack, the same company materials pack, employs the same training procedures and follows a standardized presentation. This way, the method you use to bring in new people is the same method they bring in their new people. You are completely duplicatable. Regardless of someone’s previous job experience, their education level or confidence level — they can do the business exactly the same way you did. Your sponsorship line has learned what works and what doesn’t. They have created the system based upon that experience. Follow the system and you have the resources of the entire sponsorship line working for you. If you change the system — you lose the benefits of having all those resources at your disposal. Also, when you change the system — substituting a different tape, changing the presentation, etc. — you send a message to your people that it’s OK to change the system. First level people change the system a little, so their first level people change the system a little, and so it goes down to the group. By the third level, there is no system — so you have no security, no potential for walk-away, residual income.
Always follow the system!

Go Core!
These eight core qualities are what separate network marketing leaders from the people who drop by the wayside and never reach long-term success in the business. Practicing all the core qualities isn’t easy — it’s not supposed to be. But you must practice them all if you’re truly interested in building a network where others can achieve the same success as you. “Going core” means doing all eight actions, not just the ones you like. It also takes a substantial investment in you. But you will discover that the people who invest in going core reach dramatically higher levels of success than those who don’t. As a leader committed to empowering others — you have a responsibility to go core yourself, and create that culture in your organization..

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