WebSite Business

All of you know that this is the Information Age. After 1990, Industrial age gets over & The Information Age started. And after 1995, with the birth of the Internet, so many millionaires & Billionaires born in their young age and will be born.

Have you ever think that, Why is it so easy to get rich quick in the Information Age? Have you ever think that why with the birth of the Internet, people are started becoming millionaires & billionaires in their twenties & early thirties?

Well, the answer is because of the Web Business also known as Website Business. It is also commonly known as an Internet Business & the web entrepreneur is also known as an Internet Entrepreneur.

With the birth of the Internet, so many web entrepreneurs born & will be born. And all of them have started their own Web Business.

So What is Web Business?
Well, In simple words, Web Business means Web site Business. Any business which has only a web presence & not the physical presence is known as a Web Business. Web Business is also commonly known as an Internet Business.
Say for Example, Shopping Malls. Wall-mart is a traditional brick and mortar Business because it has a chain of Malls. While is a Web Business because it does not have any physical presence but only the online presence…… Understand?
Examples of Web Businesses are – Web sites, Blogs, Forums & Communities.
This Blog is a Web Business. 

What are the advantages of owning a Web Business?
Well there are so many advantages of owning a Web Business. Here are few.
- Worldwide Connectivity – The main advantage of a Web Business is that, internet is penetrated world wide & will penetrate more in the future. Right now when I am writing this article, Around this world, 1 Billion (100 Crore) are using Internet daily for various purposes. So its like a virtual world. And 1 Billion Internet Population means its as huge as country like India. India has 1 Billion population. So when you start a Web Business than it means that from day 1, your target audience is 1 Billion. And this can’t be possible in traditional business. In traditional Business if you want to cover 1 Billion population than you must have a presence in many geographical region of the world. Say for example, if you start a Shopping Mall in Ahmedabad City (My City) than your target audience is 70 Lakhs (7 Millions) while if you start an online shopping mall than from the day 1, your target population is 1 Billion (100 Crores). So this is the reason why Web Businesses grow exponentially….

- Works 24-365 for you – The Best part of the Web Business is that, it works 24 hours a day, 365 days a year without your presence. In case of traditional offline Business, you are allowed to open your store for 10-12 hours a day only. While your Online store can remain open round the clock. So this helps in increasing your Business Revenue several folds. Say for Example, this Blog. This Blog is my Web Business & I am providing you Free Information about Money via this Blog and at the same time I am selling the ad spaces of this blog to potential advertisers via Google AdSense program. Now the best part of this Web Business is that, I can sell the ad spaces round the clock. So I will earn much more than the traditional offline Businesses.

- Exponential Growth The Valuation of any Asset or Business is dependent on its Revenue or Cashflow. The more Revenue (Income) the Business generates, the more valuable it becomes. The best part about Web Business is that, Revenue is directly proportional to the web traffic. And Web traffic increases exponentially year by year. And so the Revenue. And thus the Valuation. So the Valuation of Web Properties increases Exponentially sometimes 300-700% per Annum or even more and that can not be possible in case of Traditional Business.

- You can retire young & Rich Because the web traffic increases exponentially, your Web Business’s Revenue also increases exponentially and thus the web business has the potential to make you rich in very younger life and thus you can retire rich and young.

- You can operate it from anywhere The Best part about owning & running a Web Business is that you can operate & run this Business from anywhere in the world at your convenient.
What can you Sell with the Web (Site) Business?

You will be surprised by knowing that, you can Sell almost anything via your Web Business. You can sell,
01) Goods/Products – Almost any product you can Sell Online
02) Service – You can also provide any Service by your Web Business.
So there are so many advantages of owning a Web Business. I recommend the young college going people to start their own Web Business as early as possible in their life means NOW….!!!!!!!

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