Make Money Blogging

How to Make Money Blogging?
Well, Blog has emerged as a valuable web property in the past decade. This is because people love to read blogs than any other media on the internet. Because blogs are trustworthy. But still many people around the world don’t know that it is possible to make money from a Blog.
Here are the ways to Make Money from your Blog -

01) Selling Advertisement Space on your Blog -
Well, this is the simplest way to make money from your blog and it’s very easy to start. The best advertising program on the earth is Google AdSense. You just have to sign in with AdSense and install the HTML code provided by them. And you will start earning from the first month.
However, the money generated from AdSense is closely related to the level of web traffic, your Blog receives. You are seeing the adds surrounding this article. These are the adds, supplied by Google AdSense. When I first time launched this Blog, my first income generating stream for this blog was AdSense.

02) Affiliate Marketing -
In simple words, Affiliate Marketing means selling other people’s products. Here you get commission on every sale you make from your Blog. Just find out the related products from the Niche of your Blog and start promoting products. Here are the few best affiliate programs.
- Amazon Affiliates
- Click Bank
- Commission Junction

03) Paid Reviews -
You can also make money from your blog by publishing paid reviews on your blog. You can review anything such as a product, service, website or the other blog. The more readership your blog has, the more money you can charge per paid review. Some Authority Blogs charge as high as $ 500 per reviews.
There are third parties also which have a wide range of products for reviews. You can join their site and start making money from it right now.

04) Make money from Podcast & Videos -
You can also start a Podcast or a Video series on your blog and find out a sponsor for it. Say for Example, if you run a photography blog than you can find some Digital Camera company as a sponsor for the videos you generate. This is one great way of make money from your blog.
Thus, there are several ways to Make Money Blogging. You can combine any one or all of the above ways to make money from your Blog.

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