Top 50 Bloggers Making Money Online

#1 Collis Ta’eed

Why has Collis Ta’eed made the list?
collis taheed 50 Most Influential People In Blogging 2010The Netsetter! He had to be top of the list right? Not only is his blog one of the best, it is designed well, visually exciting and appealing and the content is most certainly king here. Collis Ta’eed Is one of those bloggers that is extraordinarily good at his writing skills. Collis Ta’eed is the CEO of Envato, and he started Netsetter in 2009, basically as an outlet for him to get rid of some of those excess thoughts. His personal blog alone has over 4,500 RSS subscribers, his twitter following has risen to over 1,400 and he still keeps going. Why is he Numero Uno in today’s list? From living in his in-laws garage to becoming the CEO of Envato in less than five year! how can he not be.
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#2 Yaro Starak

Why has Yaro Starak made the list?
yaro starak4 50 Most Influential People In Blogging 2010Yaro is not only a professional blogger and entrepreneur, he’s also a great teacher. From the comfort of his very own blogs and websites, Yaro has been able to teach literally thousands of ‘students’. From this stand point alone its easy to see why he is regarded as one of the most influential bloggers of 2010. Easily earning over $20,000 per month is no mean feat, but he manages to do this every single month.
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#3 Darren Rowse

Why has Darren Rowse made the list?
darren rowse 50 Most Influential People In Blogging 2010With over 107,000 Twitter followers why wouldn’t he be! Darren is constantly gaining new subscribers, followers and fans due to his ever consistent style and posts via his three main blogs. From hobby, to profession, Darren has managed to create some great blogs and continues to excite and delight his fan-base every week. Definitely a man to look out for.
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#4 Joost de Valk

Why has Joost de Valk made the list?
joost de valk1 50 Most Influential People In Blogging 2010Joost de Valk is one of those bloggers that seemingly come from nowhere and all of sudden they are everywhere, but Joost is everywhere for a very good reason. He helps literally hundreds of people to create solid SEO within their own sites, allowing them to dominate their niche and get on top of their goals. Through his careful planning he has become a great blogger, consultant and above all person. If you are in desperate need of some SEO consulting, there’s not many other people better for the job than Joost.
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#5 Pat Flynn

Why has Pat Flynn made the list?
pat flynn 50 Most Influential People In Blogging 2010Firstly Pat is an incredibly insightful blogger who, early on, has realised just how important interviews and podcasts are to him. Secondly Pat really is an extremely helpful, genuine and all round niice guy. His aim is to help others gain the kind of rewards he is, from his online escapades. One of the great things about Pat is that he is so up front everything, from showing his monthly income reports within his blog posts and even stating he “not a millionaire”. Well Pat you may not be a millionaire yet, but we’re sure you’re on your way.
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#6 David Risley

Why has David Risley made the list?
david risley 50 Most Influential People In Blogging 2010I’ll start with a quote from David himself “I show bloggers how to turn their blogging into a business” and in a nutshell that is exactly what he does. He’s to the point, genuine and tells it how it is. By reading any of his numerous blog posts its easy to see how passionate about his work and life David really is. With a wealth of knowledge and the ability to be brutally honest, David is definitely one of the best.
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#7 Glen Allsopp

Why has Glen Allsopp made the list?
glen allsopp 50 Most Influential People In Blogging 2010Glen is a high profile blogger and viral marketeer who has an abundance of followers, fans, and subscribers. Firing off his monthly reports, stating the obvious and the not so obvious, Glen knows how to write a great post. Glen is also one of the younger bloggers on the list today, he like myself, stared online at the tender age of 15 years old, he was featured in a book aged 17 years old, by 18yrs was a social media manager for some huge brands, and by 20 years old he had sold the 10th biggest personal development blog in the world!
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#8 Gideon Shalwick

Why has Gideon Shalwick made the list?
gideon shalwick 50 Most Influential People In Blogging 2010Gideon is a very influential blogger that likes to use videos within his blog, but he doesn’t just use video, he shows others how to do the same successfully. With a variety of offerings such as reviews, concepts and even a few rants now and then Gideon definitely knows how to please a crowd. Again he is one of those bloggers who likes to give back to the wider community and offers his teachings to those who will read, listen to or watch his posts. With some great inspirational and genuine blog posts Gideon is very much one of few highly respected bloggers.
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#9 Katie Freiling

Why has Katie Freiling made the list?
katie frieling 50 Most Influential People In Blogging 2010Katie is a great blogger, her posts are always from the heart and she offers a plethora of exciting an innovating concepts and ideas within her blog. One thing that stands out with Katie is her ability to be very serious, humorous, and simple with her writing, she is very consistent and very optimistic which is a breath of fresh air sometimes. However don’t think for a second that she isn’t a big player, Katie is very good at dominating her niche, want proof? How does over 16,000 twitter followers sound? Katie is here to stay and has huge potential, check her out.
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#10 Syed Balkhi

Why has Syed Balkhi made the list?
syed balkhi 50 Most Influential People In Blogging 2010Syed Balkhi has very strong work ethics and beliefs, one such belief is that people often wait too long to get started in blogging and online businesses, and he’s right too! Syed is a very successful and young blogger, since 2009 his websites have pulled in over 145,000 unique visitors. Syed is very good at helping others and is currently making a good living online. He’s got tonnes of potential and I’m sure we will see a lot more of him in the near future.
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#11 Brian Clark

Why has Brian Clark made the list?
brian clark 50 Most Influential People In Blogging 2010Brian Clark is from the very well known blog Copyblogger, I’m sure all of you have heard of that site once or twice? His blog posts are always well written, informative and sensible. There is some great content surrounding how to be a better blogger, copywriter, website owner the list goes on. Over 130,000 people subscribe to the Copyblogger so it’s easy to see why Brian is so successful.
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#12 Vitaly Friedman

Why has Vitaly Friedman made the list?
Vitaly Friedman 50 Most Influential People In Blogging 2010Vitaly Friedman is a very well known blogger who is best known for his role (Editor-in-Chief) at the highly respected website Smashing Magazine. Vitaly is also a freelance web designer, and pro-blogger where he shows all his subscribers the best places to find fonts, themes and graphics on the web. Smashing Magazine is one of the most important design blogs on the internet, and the success shows with some 209,000 magazine subscribers and 268,000 followers on Twitter. Vitaly’s posts are often in a teaching sense, educating the subscribers and readers in the dark art of web based design. If you are stuck in a rut for some design work, or just need a little inspiration to get you kick-started into gear, then check out his personal blog as well as Smashing Magazine, I’m sure you will be pleasantly surprised.
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#13 Gary Vaynerchuck

Why has Gary Vaynerchuck made the list?
Gary Vaynerchuck 50 Most Influential People In Blogging 2010Educating the online community of bloggers and website owners is the name of the game when it comes to Gary Vaynerchuck. Not only does he passion for blogging and video blogging in particular, but he loves showing others how to succeed. After finishing his first book “Crush It” in 2009 it went on to be a top seller on many well known websites, and Amazon to name but two. He oozes enthusiasm and passion for the art of blogging and video blogging and as such he is now one of the most respected vloggers and bloggers around the world. Gary also has a very successful website all about wine! If you are a wine lover you will love his videos and posts, its a must see website so be sure to check it out!
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#14 Tim Ferris

Why has Tim Ferris made the list?
Tim Ferris 50 Most Influential People In Blogging 2010Ever heard of “The Four Hour Week”? Sure you have, it’s been all over the place, NBC, Wired Magazine, heck even USA Today and CNN! Well meet the author, Tim Ferris, not only has he created the ever successful book but he is also a top blogger! Tim’s posts are often one of three things; Serious, Humorous and inspiring, I think that is one of the best things about Tim, his ability to take complex topics and make them simple, and vice versa too. He’s also a pretty funny guy and his writing style keeps you enticed and ready for more. Intrigued? Check him out.
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#15 Rand Fishkin

Why has Rand Fishkin made the list?
Rand Fishkin 50 Most Influential People In Blogging 2010Rand Fishkin (The Wizard of Moz) is one of the best SEO bloggers in the world. His success has been astonishing over the last few years and he has consistently been added to some of the latest, and greatest top list in recent years, the “40 under 40 List” and the “30 Best Young Entrepreneurs Under 30″ to name but a few. Rand Fishkin saw the light in 1993 when he became intrigued by the online world and started using MS Frontpage to get started, and just look at him now! He is the CEO and co-founder of the company SEOmoz, helping thousands of people to get their websites, blogs and business seen, heard and noticed. I’d highly recommend seeking out his company if you are stuck for SEO ideas.
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#16 Adii Rockstar

Why has Adii Rockstar made the list?
Adii Rockstar 50 Most Influential People In Blogging 2010Yes folks that is his name, Rockstar by name and by nature it seems, as he’s kicking up an almighty fuss in the world of WordPress. Adii is the founder of Woo Themes, a very successful, and exciting website that basically helps you to get your blog looking the business. With a Bachelors Degree in Accounting as well as an Honors Degree in Business Management it’s plain to see why he is such a successful guy. There’s more however, not satisfied with his years of study to finally attain his Degree(s) he went on to create Woo Themes which is now one of the most successful WordPress theme publishers on the web. If you want a theme but don’t know where to turn to, or if you don’t really know if you should go for a premium WordPress theme, then go check out Woo Themes because they will definitely have you reeling for more.
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#17 Chris Brogan

Why has Chris Brogan made the list?
Chris Brogan1 50 Most Influential People In Blogging 2010Chris Brogan likes to teach, he loves learning, and wants others to learn by his example, which is great. There are far too few people in the world that want to make a genuine difference for us online bloggers and Chris is right here to help. Chris is very popular with the top Fortune 100 and 500 companies around the globe and this just goes to show how much we can learn from him ourselves. President of New Marketing Labs and Human Business Works, you would have thought that he’d have his work cut out, but not wanting to under achieve Chris gives you the chance to speak to him live via your own personal seminar (if you have the money, space and subscribers). He really does not stop and he is so passionate about what he does that it makes you want to get up and do something yourself.
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#18 Chris Pearson

Why has Chris Pearson made the list?
Chris Pearson 50 Most Influential People In Blogging 2010Chris is one of those bloggers you need to keep up with, his funny popular blog posts are great reading fodder. Although there is a lot of humor in his writing he is often very practical and creates some great blog posts which are both extremely insightful as well as informative. He’s also the creator of one of the most widely used WordPress themes on the planet “Thesis” add to that the delightful DIYthemes website which offers many other themes in it’s arsenal Chris sure knows how to pack a punch in the online business world. To say he is successful is an understatement, and I think Chris has long deserved to be on this list so here’s to you Chris.
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#19 Seth Godin

Why has Seth Godin made the list?
Seth Godin 50 Most Influential People In Blogging 2010Seth Godin has a very minimalistic approach to his blog layouts and it is great to see, I think you can tell a lot about a blogger by the way they have things designed as well as their writing style and there content, its all part of the package and Seth Godin does all these things very well. Seth is very successful in the offline world of publishing too, with no fewer than twelve books under his belt (every one of which has been a best seller). He also does a lot of public speaking in seminars as well as online interviews. I love that he offers everything from free content to seminars, he really is a man of many talents.
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#20 Jeremy Schoemaker

Why has Jeremy Schoemaker made the list?
Jeremy Schoemaker 50 Most Influential People In Blogging 2010Jeremy Schoemaker is a very tough-skinned individual, bullied in his younger years he put his strength and energy into being successful, and guess what? He now is, and very successful at that. Creator and co-founder of AuctionAds which is an ebay affiliate marketing service that basically puts your ebay ads onto whatever website you need, or the product needs to be advertised upon, great thinking! His success was really brought home when he and business partner David Dellanave won multiole awards in less than six months, a truly flying start to say the least. Now he shares his secrets, thoughts, information and techniques in his online blog. Catch up with him to see what you may have missed.
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#21 Neil Patel

Why has Neil Patel made the list?
Neil Patel 50 Most Influential People In Blogging 2010Have you ever heard of Crazy Egg? How about KISSmetrics? Well if you haven’t where have you been? Neil Patel is the co-founder of both companies and boy has he done well, he has become one of the go-to guys for some very high profile brands and companies, helping them to make a lot more money. Neil has some great insights into the world of online entrepreneurship so if you are thinking about becoming one, or have already started on your quest to become the next big thing, then check out his blog. His posts are often inspirational and thought-provoking but he has an uncanny ability to give those hard to find answers. So if you have been googling the heck out of “How to become an online Entrepreneur” then be sure to take a glance at his posts.
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#22 Andy Beard

Why has Andy Beard made the list?
Andy Beard 50 Most Influential People In Blogging 2010With tonnes of informative writing it was hard not to put Andy on the list, always informative, highly addictive and often very humorous Andy is a must for all bloggers. Andy enjoys blogging about SEO, and marketing strategies more than most, which is a good job really because he is great at it. He writes concisely and appropriately for the title of all his posts and he is one of the rare people who likes to give back to the online community. He can teach you anything and everything you need to know about the online marketing world if you are ready to learn.
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#23 Matthew Mullenweg

Why has Matthew Mullenweg made the list?
Matthew Mullenweg 50 Most Influential People In Blogging 2010Well…Unless you have been living under a rock for the past few years , or unless you are completely new to blogging (in which case you are excused), Matthew Mullenweg is the founding developer of a little thing we like to call WordPress. That’s right, Matt’s our man, he created the amazingly versatile WordPress which many of us love and use daily. You can imagine the scale of his success just by the statement that he is the founding father of WordPress, neat right? Not only is he an expert developer but he also puts aside time to go and speak publicly so we can all hear what his thoughts are on various topics, but if you can’t get to any of his seminars, or to any seminars in which he is a guest to, then you are till on luck because Matt has a couple of nifty blogs where you can find out just what Matt is all about.
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#24 Jack Humphrey

Why has Jack Humphrey made the list?
jack humprey 50 Most Influential People In Blogging 2010Blog Marketing is the game and Jack Humphrey is definitely the name, Jack is one of the foremost experts of blog marketing and traffic funneling in the world. He is a very serious but humorous sounding individual and all of his posts have some value to offer. In other words it’s pretty much all killer and no filler in Jack’s blog. Back in 2002 Jack wrote one of the most widely downloaded books on link building – “Power Linking”. This was a game changer for Jack who went on to great success, in 2005 he started, and, both of which were highly successful businesses aimed at helping others to gain the marketing audience they couldn’t quite grasp alone. If you would like to know more about Jack then I’d definitely recommend you go visit his blog it’s very much worthy of reading.
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#25 Daniel Scocco

Why has Daniel Scocco made the list?
Daniel Scocco 50 Most Influential People In Blogging 2010Daniel Scocco is an entrepreneur, a teacher, and a scholar, armed with his Degree in International Economics, Daniel pureued a career within a multinational business, however he was not there long. Fast forward to the present day and Daniel is now a respected blogger, who has been online since 2005 creating and developing websites and blogs for himself and others. In 2007 his blog was nominated for “Best Web Development Blog” at the weblog awards. On a near regular basis Daniel posts about all manner of things from how to make money to how not to lose it, from the best plugins for your site, to what to write in your own blog. Daniel really does give back to his subscribers, he’s one to watch out for.
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#26 Skellie Wag

Why has Skellie Wag made the list?
skellie 50 Most Influential People In Blogging 2010Ever thought to yourself… I’d quite like to be a freelancer. Or maybe you want to know how to run an online business? Well Skellie Wag is a great place to find that sort of information. Skellie Wag is a blog which is made up of, essentially lots and lots of essays from blogging to happiness in work and lots of things in between. It’s a great place to go to when you are feeling a little less motivated. They have recently brought out a book that you can buy from their site entitled “The Blog Business Funnel” which is sure to be a motivating read. Go have a look-see.
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#27 Erica Douglass

Why has Erica Douglass made the list?
Erica Douglass 50 Most Influential People In Blogging 2010Well at the tender age of 26yrs, Erica sold her original online business for a fairly hefty $1,100,000! After “Retiring” from the traditional work she had been doing previously, Erica now teaches other how to become successful online. She doesn’t only teach the good though, she also teaches the bad, the failures, the pitfalls you know, the parts we all want to avoid but no one ever lets us in on. Well Erica certainly does, so if you are motivated, and want to read some concise, succinct and inspirational blog posts then you must go and meet Erica on her blog.
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#28 Robb Sutton

Why has Robb Sutton made the list?
Robb Sutton 50 Most Influential People In Blogging 2010He is the owner of Oneninety8, and he’s an all round Mr Nice Guy. Seriously, Robb is a great chap, full of exciting, inspiring and thought-provoking content within each of his blogs. He has many passions in life, blogging is definitely one of them, the man is obsessed, and we mean that in a very complimentary way. He’s also a giver, of advice, freebie icons, graphics and code, he really is a true gentleman. His blog posts are always worth a read and you will be hard to find other writers who have so much to offer at such a young age. He now has a new ebook ready for download if you so wish I wont reveal the surprise you will have to head over there to see for yourself. If you are looking for success and don’t have the get-go then Robb Sutton’s blogs are definitely worth a read.
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#29 Chris Garrett

Why has Chris Garrett made the list?
Chris Garrett 50 Most Influential People In Blogging 2010Chris is hard to pigeon-hole and I’m pretty sure he likes it that way, writing for his personal and business blogs he always has very informative posts and interesting topics that keep you interested. He is very successful within his niche and he loves to give back by helping others learn how to avoid the pitfalls. Chris also writes offline, co-authoring five books so far, one of his most successful being “Problogger: Secrets for Blogging Your Way to a Six-Figure Income” which he co-wrote with our #2 on today’s list, Darren Rowse.
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#30 Lewis Howes

Why has Lewis Howes made the list?
Lewis Howes 50 Most Influential People In Blogging 2010Lewis is a very interesting blogger, an unofficial world record holder, founder of two highly successful companies and co-author of the LinkedIn book, LinkedWorking: Generating Success on the World’s Largest Professional Networking Website. His online success is easily seen and he has a large number of supporters, even his Twitter account has nearly 40,000 followers. Lewis is very much a professional in the world of social media and networking, Which he writes about in his highly successful blog.
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#31 Denise Wakeman

Why has Denise Wakeman made the list?
Denise Wakeman 50 Most Influential People In Blogging 2010Denise Wakeman offers blogging, marketing and visibility tips for all that decide to look her up. She gives a very serious account of how to do things the right way and helps countless bloggers to keep their eye on the ball. With almost 20yrs of experience in the business and online marketing realm she is one of the most important bloggers online. Having written many different programs and posts for her subscribers and followers her unflinching and charismatic presence shines through her writing. Often using videos to emphasize her point across to the readers Denise certainly knows how to make herself heard. Denise has a huge online presence and enables others to contact her easily through her blog, if you need training or advice, or simply want to get the inside know-how of online marketing Denise would be a person to seek out for sure. Her success is no accident, she works hard and gets where she wants to be.
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#32 Kristi Hines

Why has Kristi Hines made the list?
Kristi Hines 50 Most Influential People In Blogging 2010Kristi Hines provides informative and valuable posts on her blog as well as a very clear writing style. She is a Internet Marketing Specialist with the company Vertical Measures which provides link building services to those that need it most. Her tips and advice are second to none and she is always writing new posts on a near daily basis. Her success is greatly matched by her ability to blog in a very intellectual and yet simple way allowing you to get the most out of the internet, be it by yourself with her advice and tips or through her company. Another definite blogger to look up to.
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#33 Rae Hoffman

Why has Rae Hoffman made the list?
Rae Hoffman 50 Most Influential People In Blogging 2010Rae Hoffman is a self-confessed Internet and Marketing SEO Consultant…try saying that after a few drinks! Specializing in viral and affiliate marketing, Rae is one of the SEO gatekeepers, she really knows a thing or two about her chosen career, that is for certain. Just by reading any number of her online posts its clearly evident that you are in the presence of SEO royalty. Rae has been mentioned in a lot of publications, and I mean a LOT, USA Today, Forbes, and ZDNet to mention a few of the more well known ones. Rae runs a lot of different affiliate and content based websites and is also the co-founder/co-owner of two high profile businesses; MFE Interactive and Outspoken Media. Both of Rae’s companies have had great success, both for her and her clients. Watch out, Rae’s about.
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#34 Marko Saric

Why has Marko Saric made the list?
Marko Saric 50 Most Influential People In Blogging 2010Marko ‘How To’ Saric has made the list because he definitely knows his stuff. His blog is a great big how to of everything a blogger could want to know but hasn’t got the nerve to ask. A lot of his blog posts are entitled “How To” and for good reason, he really goes into depth about the kinds of things all blogger should know, want to know, or just plain didn’t know. Marko Saric Is also the co-founder of the London Blog Club, where he gives back to the community of bloggers, in fact that is a great place to be if you haven’t already checked it out.
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#35 Leo Babauta

Why has Leo Babauta made the list?
Leo Babauta 50 Most Influential People In Blogging 2010
Leo Babauta has no formal qualifications (how many of us do have?) but that hasn’t stopped him from getting on the list of the top 50 influential bloggers of 2010! Leo likes to help others, and also write about the difficulties he has faced and overcome. He is also a very competent writer, in 2009 he wrote 108,000 words in 30 days to complete a novel! Now that takes some doing! He is also the author of “The Power of Less” which was a best seller on Amazon, but that’s not the end, he’s also written “Zen to Done” an ebook which has been downloaded by tens of thousands of readers and subscribers. Leo is forever working hard and because of his excellent standards and writing skills Leo has made our list. Leo..we salute you.
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#36 Mary Jaksch

Why has Mary Jaksch made the list?
Mary Jaksch 50 Most Influential People In Blogging 2010Practical inspiration, creative ideas and generally good informative content, that’s what Mary offers at ther blog the GoodlifeZen. Mary is an officially authorized Zen Master, a Psychotherapist and an author. Wow, that is a lot to aspire towards. Mary as you can already see is a very successful woman and her blog is just an extension of her success which she throws out to help and inspire others. Not only does she offer tips, advice and general thoughts, she also has a great ability to make you want to relax, grab a cup of green tea and just read through her topical posts. A master in her own right, Mary has helped many people around the world to get to grips with all manner of serious topics, and although mostly serious, it is one that you will enjoy.
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#37 Alex Fraiser

Why has Alex Fraiser made the list?
Alex Fraiser 50 Most Influential People In Blogging 2010Blogging trickery is what Alex Fraiser specializes in, well, in a sense anyway. He is the 17 year old mastermind behind blogussion, see what he did there? Good right? Alex has been given the gift of the gab and can write his socks off. Don’t let his age fool any of you either this young blogger is becoming a real hard hitter on the bloggin scene and we can’t wait for more. His posts are informative, creative and concise. You have just got to give him credit for his ability to write such great content at such a young age, it’s great to see! He now has over 4,000 twitter followers and in excess of 1,900 subscribers, and he’s only been doing this blogging malarkey since 2009. Well done Alex.
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#38 Corbett Barr

Why has Corbett Barr made the list?
Corbett Barr 50 Most Influential People In Blogging 2010I have one simple goal for this site: to help you build a high-traffic traffic website or blog. That’s the opening line in one of Corbett’s blogs and it speaks volumes don’t you think? His willingness to give back to others and exercise his right to help those in need, heck he’s almost like the online version of Batman! Seriously though, he really is a top blogger, great guy and his posts are of the highest quality you will see from a blogger. He’s definitely not an amateur that’s for sure. He has had great success in a venture-capital backed company too! Corbett’s writing, so go read his posts!
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#39 Andrew Warner

Why has Andrew Warner made the list?
Andrew Warner 50 Most Influential People In Blogging 2010With $30+million a year in sales alone Andrew is one of the heavy weights in the online world. Still in his 20′s Andrew and his younger brother decided to create mixergy a website that has clear and simple goals, to encourage, inspire, introduce and give. What a guy, what a generous thing to do, and all his subscribers are glad he did too. Sharing his wisdom, expertise and his courage to take a huge leap of faith in the name of online entrepreneurship Andrew has been able to help many, many of his subscribers just by posting his thoughts. I recommend taking a look at Andrews story to get the full down-low.
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#40 Michael Martine

Why has Michael Martine made the list?
Michael Martine 50 Most Influential People In Blogging 2010He blogs, he coaches, he blogs about coaching, oh, and he also consults too. Michael Martine’s blog posts should not be missed, he has a wealth of inspiration and advice to offer and you would be mad not to listen to him too. He loves nothing more than to guide, excite and entertain with his posts giving you the vital information you need to motivate yourself or maybe write an extra post a week. Maybe you are stuck for topics to write about? Well head on over to his blog and get some inspiration. Michael’s success has been created through hard work, determination, and basically being brutally honest at times. Miss him at your peril.
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#41 Zac Johnson

Why has Zac Johnson made the list?
Zac Johnson 50 Most Influential People In Blogging 2010He’s not just any old affiliate marketer, oh no my dear friends, he’s not even a great affiliate marketer…he’s a “Super Affiliate” marketeer! I may sound as though I a joke, but in all fairness, would he be on this list if I didn’t think he was worthy? of course he’s worthy, his content is great, his style unique, and he really is a super affiliate you know! Never shy of getting behind the keyboard, or in front of the camera, you’ll find some great posts on his blog that will make you want to come back more and more. Zac is fantastic at reproducing his techniques over and over to see huge sales, and he’s not keeping it a secret either go and check out his latest post to see what he’s up to at the moment!
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#42 James Chartrand

Why has James Chartrand made the list?
James Chartrand1 50 Most Influential People In Blogging 2010He’s a business web designer and creates some great posts on his blog, which by the way is a very cool looking site. He’s the founder of Men with Pens and his writing style is solid, he was featured in many major online media resources such as Newsweek and the Huffington post and he’s a regular over at Copyblogger. He’s an informative writer with plenty of humorous and anecdotal offerings. He also writes as I imagine he speaks, very openly, and very real. His online website has made him a great deal of success both with subscribers, affiliates and probably in offline popularity. He’s a top blogger and he’s on the list.
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#43 Tyrone Shum

Tyrone Shum 50 Most Influential People In Blogging 2010Why has Tyrone Shum made the list because he is a very influencial young blogger, he specializes in “Outsourcing and Automation for Lifestyle Business Owners”. What? You want me to delve a little further? Well okay since you asked so nicely… Tyrone has a really useful style, he aspires to reach the best in order to reach complete automation for money making. His posts are really insightful and he leaves nothing to the imagination, he like many of the bloggers on this list, is a giver and that is one of the key’s to success with blogging. To receive you must first give seems to be the natural quality all of today’s top bloggers have in common. Tyrone teaches his subscribers how to find the best programs, blogs, videos and basically everything that will lead to an automated money making business. No mean feat I’m sure you will agree.
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#44 James Schramko

Why has James Schramko made the list?
James Schramko 50 Most Influential People In Blogging 2010James Schramko is an Australian internet marketer and all-round good guy. His aim was to leave the 9-5 working lifestyle to one better suited to us bloggers and hasn’t he done well? James has identified how to find and dominate niche areas to build his online empire, and in his blog he divulges into all his inner thoughts. It’s yet another great example of a blog that gives back to the community. James has sold millions of dollars worth of goods, services and information products over the span of his online career. He is now one of the most prolific speakers in the blogging world and is a regular at many of the industry events held all over the world.
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#45 Dave Navarro

Why has Dave Navarro made the list?
Dave navarro 50 Most Influential People In Blogging 2010Dave Navarro is a very well known blogger, best known in fact for his product launches, product launch coaching and his ability as one of the best online marketing consultants. He is widely popular with many bloggers, mainly for teaching them how to essentially launch their own products. What a great guy to have on your side. He is someone I would honestly read about a couple of times a week, his posts are so informative and offer very real techniques, none of that fake guru persona, Dave is the real deal and he has made a fortune launching products, teaching others how to launch services and products and of course his ebooks. Go and have a look I’m sure you will agree.
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#46 Lynn Terry

Why has Lynn Terry made the list?
Lynn Terry 50 Most Influential People In Blogging 2010Lynn Terry is a valuable source of information, she creates tutorials, advice, and tips for newbies and the expert bloggers alike. She is always added to her valuable collection of posts and there is always great content to indulge in. After quitting her “last real job” back in 1996 she started her first business and never returned to the 9-5 lifestyle. She eventually left her business behind to become a super affiliate and she has gone from success to success each year. In 2003 she received the Best of Success Award at Total Life Success, she has also had the pleasure of contributing to a #1 best seller and has been featured on the Entrepreneur Magazine’s home biz talk show. I think you can see why she is on the list, and staying there too.
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#47 Michael Stelzner

Why has Michael Stelzner made the list?
Michael Stelzner 50 Most Influential People In Blogging 2010Michael Stelzner writes, about…well writing actually. He loves to teach his subscribers and followers how to expertly write, white papers. Michael has written over 130 white papers many of them being for some of the worlds biggest and best companies. Michael is also an author – “Writing White Papers: How to Capture Readers and Keep Them Engaged”. On top of all of this he is also the editor of the White Paper Source Newsletter which has a readership of 20,000+. Finally he also teaches corporations and leading professionals how to write white papers in his “Monthly Teleclass”. Be sure to check him and his blog out, its worth a read.
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#48 Hesham Zebida

Why has Hesham Zebida made the list?
Hesham Zebida 50 Most Influential People In Blogging 2010Blogging tips galore, advice grotto, Hesham’s blog really is a place where bloggers can find the secrets to those never asked questions. Not only does he offer his fellow bloggers advice, he also teaches how to create a buzz, gain traffic and the most important of issues, keep subscribers. On top of all of this she also blogs about how to make your own blog look better and how to blog better, or should we say, blog properly. One of the main reasons that Heshams blog is so much more appealing than a lot of other blogs is due to the fact he used to be a web designer a few years back. He has helped many, and will help many more in the future I’ve no doubt.
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#49 Rob Rammuny

Why has Rob Rammuny made the list
Rob Rammuny 50 Most Influential People In Blogging 2010Rob Rammuny wants to help you to have the online lifestyle that you crave. He needs to teach, advise and share with his fellow bloggers and readers alike. Did I mention he is only 16 years old? That correct 16yrs! It’s so fresh and inspiring to see someone with such talent and diversity create such a fantastic blog with great content and advice especially at such a tender young age. I can see big things ahead for Rob. His main aim is to get out of the rat-race and leave the 9-5 lifestyle before he even has to join it, and I’d have to agree that it’s definitely the right choice. Why work for others when you are perfectly good at working for yourself? I really hope Rob keeps up his terrific work and I look forward to what he does in the future.
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#50 Chris Guthrie

Why has Chris Guthrie made the list?
chris guthrie1 50 Most Influential People In Blogging 2010Chris Guthrie earns a six figure income from working online. He’s only 26yrs old and already he is a big name in the blogging world. He first started working for his own business back in school, trading pokemon cards for money, this early lesson in business eventually got the better of him and he decided working for an employer just wasn’t going to cut it. He eventually ended up as an online marketer after “playing too much Halo 2″. How many people can boast that playing a video game could lead them to a career of such magnitude? Well it wasn’t entirely Halo 2 that helped him, getting fired must have been a factor too, but nonetheless, with monthly incomes of $13,000 and more a month, he must be doing something right.

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