10 Reasons You Will Never EVER Succeed as a Blogger

I would like you to know that the fact that you’re making any of these mistakes doesn’t mean you’re destined for failure. NOBODY is destined for failure and as long as you’re always ready to improve only the sky is the limit. Below are 10 of the most common traits exhibited by those who will never ever succeed as a blogger.

1. You Disbelieve Everything

Our mind is a very powerful instrument and based on my own personal experience I have observed that your mind is the only thing that can determine whether you will fail or succeed.

The truth is that it doesn’t matter what your history is or what your high school teacher thinks about you, it doesn’t matter how poor your grades used to be and it doesn’t matter how slow you or your memory is it is no factor to determine your success or failure.

You need to realize this today and make it stick with you forever. Your brain isn’t what determines how far you can go in life, it is simply your mind. If it were to be your brain then the most brilliant students in the world will be the most successful but if you start believing in the power of your mind, you will easily experience success even if you’re a high school dropout.

You need to realize that if it is conceivable then it is achievable.

2. You Believe Everything

If you really want to succeed as a blogger it is also very essential for you to realize that believing everything you see is as bad as disbelieving the power of making money through the internet. I’m not against you believing in the possibility of making money online because your belief is an essential trait to your success but what I’m trying to say is that you should be careful with what you believe.

My point here is that you shouldn’t just download every information you read online into yourself hook, line and sinker. Make sure you do your best to verify the accuracy of the information you’re reading and if possible, get proof.

There’s a lot of information circulating the internet about being a successful blogger and the only way to be a winner is to be careful with what you believe.

3. You’re Looking for Overnight Success

If there’s one thing I learned hard way when it comes to internet marketing and blogging it is that there’s nothing called overnight success.

My point is there’s nothing called overnight success and building an internet business is just like building any other business. You have to realize that since you can’t build a successful offline business in one month (even if you have everything you need) you also can’t build a successful online business in one month.

If you’re to ask me the average time it takes to build a successful blog I will tell you it is one and a half years – and this one and a half years doesn’t mean you will only be sleeping and writing, it entails a lot of hard work and you having adequate knowledge of what you’re doing.

4. You Lack Focus

I was a victim of this for months when I first got into the online world and it is evident that this is the most common problem faced by a lot of new bloggers.

A lot of people come into the online world only because they want to make money online and due to this they are very desperate to get what they want so they start venturing into as many businesses as they can until they get results. That might work for you elsewhere but building a successful blog is not a guess and win game. It is either you know what you’re doing or you lose – there’s no either or.

To really succeed online you have to pick one solid thing you want to do, you have to focus on only one strategy and make yourself a master at it. Stop trying to waste your time building multiple businesses that are not getting results because that just won’t work.

Don’t build a second blog until you have a highly successful blog that can stand alone. Try to be a master at one thing instead of being a jack of all trades and master of none.

5. You’re Not Focusing on the Long-Term

focus - clark kent heat visionIf as a blogger all you think about all day is how to squeeze your visitors and milk them dry, then you’re in the business to fail.

The most successful bloggers today are those that have been blogging for an average of 5 years. They only lasted so long because they focused on the future and on making the life of their readers better and it is the reward of this they are now reaping.

There is little you can achieve now compared to in the future so instead of destroying your future with your present why not focus your efforts on getting the best from both?

6. You’re Letting Your Critics Get the Best of You

It is Justin Bieber, Barrack Obama, Darren Rowse or Brian Clark? Who do you think is yet to be criticized?

In case you don’t know it yet, it is part of the perks of being popular, criticism is a part of life.

Instead of feeling so sad about being criticized why not start thinking you are a celebrity whenever you’re criticized? When someone tells you that you suck or that you’re this and that, why not smile and congratulate yourself for having one more enemy?

If you try to make money from your blog some people won’t be happy with it. If you try to write list posts more often some people won’t be happy with it, and some people just aren’t happy with the fact that you’re the one achieving what you’re achieving instead of them. So, why worry?

Stop thinking about critics, instead, focus more on being the best at what you do.

7. You’re Afraid of Monetizing Your Blog

stop being afraidYou might be good at creating great content, you might be good at marketing your blog and generating quality traffic but to really succeed as a blogger you need to start thinking beyond those two things.

It is true you should focus on giving great value to your readers but you should also realize that giving value doesn’t necessarily mean giving free value. Don’t be afraid to monetize your blog as a blogger because writing alone won’t pay the bills, writing alone won’t take care of your family. What you only have to ensure is that the free value you’re giving to your readers is more than what you’re collecting from them and you won’t have any problems whatsoever.

8. Your Content is the Single Less-Important thing to You

If you’re always thinking about how to improve your blog design, how to make more money from your blog, how to get more traffic to your blog, how to increase your blog conversion etc. but you never really spend time to think about what others think of your content then you’re on your way to failure.

Your content should be the most important thing to you as a blogger because it will get to a stage where you won’t have need to be trying to drive traffic to your blog again and in cases like this it is your content that will make a difference. The better your content is, the higher your chances are for success so start thinking about your content day and night. Start observing the trends to see which content becomes popular and which one doesn’t and start investing your time and money into learning how to deliver the best content possible to your readers.

9. You Suck at Marketing, and You’re not Ready to Learn

marketing fail - you suck!Do you know that your success as a blogger won’t be determined by how great your content is but how good you are at marketing?

I’m not trying to advocate being unethical here, but you have to know that with the right marketing you can sell people oranges and make them believe it is an apple. In other words, even if you write great content you need effective marketing to make people realize the value of what you’re giving them.

God won’t just come down from heaven to bless your content writing efforts, you need to think beyond your writing desk and keyboard to succeed as a blogger, you need to start thinking as a marketer, you need to start thinking smart!

10. You’re Not Improving Your Knowledge

You might hardly hear this elsewhere but based on my experience it is one of the most dangerous killer of blogs.

A lot of bloggers complain about experiencing blogging burnout or writers block but many of them fail to think about it being as a result of them not reading other blogs. There was a time I got tired of reading other blogs and I almost didn’t read other blogs aside mine for a whole month, this resulted in me finding it difficult to write any blog post at all and as a result I resolved to doing other things aside blogging. It was only a matter of time before I realized that I was on my way to blogging failure.

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