Teen Blogger Earns $900 a Month

According to a recent Cnet article, a teenage blogger showcased at the BlogHer 2007 Conference earns $20 to $30 a day through AdSense on her Ultimate Neopets Cheats site. That’s $700 to $900 a month with “very little work,” a feat most of us older bloggers would love to attain.

How did Chloe Spencer do it? From the video, her strategy doesn’t sound out of the ordinary. She started out on a WordPress.com blog and moved to her own domain to run AdSense. She was knowledgeable and passionate about her topic, knew a thing or two about SEO, integrated ads to blend with her content, and participated in her niche’s online community. By all accounts, she just followed common blogging wisdom and it paid off.

Success stories like this are inspiring. It’s just another confirmation that, with a well-structured blog, a topic that you’re passionate about, and a little SEO know-how, you can earn a significant income through blogging no matter who you are. Props to Chloe for reaffirming our faith in blogging as a rewarding way of life.

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