How to use Local Search Marketing to Promote Your Business?

Local Search Marketing is a phenomenal way to get free local traffic to your site.

Submitting your business to the top Local Search Engines and Local Search Directories isn’t enough, you need to learn the Top 10 Tips to Get Free Traffic With Local Search Marketing:

1. Optimize Your Business Name. Use your keywords in your business name. Don’t be afraid to add your city to your business name, for example “Tony’s Pizza Brooklyn, instead of just “Tony’s Pizza.”

2. Add Keywords to Your Business Description. If people are searching for “pizza Brooklyn” that keyword phrase should be in the business description.

3. Make Them Look. Focus on writing compelling copy to attract your target audience in from the local search engines and directories.

4. Use a Professional Picture. Don’t post poor quality photos of your business. A picture is worth a thousand words.

5. Encourage Friends to Comment on Your Business. When we see a large number of positive reviews for a restaurant, book, or movie, then we are much more inclined to want to learn more.

6. Keywords, Keywords, Keywords. Pick a couple of your top keywords and use them throughout your local search profile. Use Google AdWords Keyword Tool, a great free tool to generate ideas

7. Pick the Correct Category. Make sure to pick the correct category for your business. You would be surprised how many people are lazy here.

8. Utilize as Many Local Search Engines and Directories as Possible. The more places you can put your business information the easier it will be for your customers to find you.

9. Embed Your Business Address in Your Website. To make it easy for the local engines to find your site, put your business address in the following places; your website’s title and meta description, website footer, and inside the body of the text of your web pages.

10. Get Started. Your site won’t get thousands of visitors from Local Search Engines and Local Search Directories unless you get started. What are you waiting for?

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