Make Money Online – 10 Biggest Challenges Faced by Internet Marketers

The following challenges should give an idea on what internet marketers should do to make money on the Internet.

Challenge 1 – Traffic Generation

Successfully marketing a product or service entails reaching a certain set of audience. You need to be able to reach audience in your niche. You need to be able to bring relevant people to your site.

Buying cheap traffic that you will get at many webmaster forums, ebay, etc, will not help your website. Bringing people to your site that has nothing to do with your product or services will not help you at all.

Certainly, the business won’t be able to sell anything if no one knows about it.

This is the main reason why internet marketers need to drive traffic to their website. Driving traffic means getting online users to view what you have to offer. As the number of traffic generated increases, the number of possible sales also increases.

However, getting people to view a website or advertisement poses quite the challenge. The number of people advertising their own products and services has increased and it is likely that there are similar products and services offered. Usually when it comes to online marketing, the competition is really high. Unless you get in on a product or service ahead of everybody else, you will have to find creative ways to compete to win the traffic.

There are several ways to increase traffic to a website. Some of these include: social media marketing, video marketing, article marketing and search engine optimization or SEO.

Regardless of the method chosen, driving traffic requires the marketer to constantly update feeds and content. Internet marketers have to repeatedly make sure that people know your existence.

Traffic generation in other words, is a constant battle for an internet marketer.

Challenge 2 – Converting Traffic into Sales

Getting users to view what you have to offer is just the beginning. It’s important to convince the users to buy your product or service. A user viewing the website or the range of products and services does not exactly translate to profit yet.

The challenge is to have the users pay for what you offer. Make sure that the page is not just convincing but it also helps users realize how relevant the product or service is to their lives. In order to guarantee that users will buy the product or pay for the services, it’s important to develop a compelling sales pitch.

Constant updates and relevant content materials should also help users realize how important the products and services you offer.

Having feedback from other known website marketers or credible people in your niche will also help convince a user to pull out their credit card and buy your product or service.

Challenge 3 – Information Overload

Creating successful sales pitch does not mean that you have to bombard the user with many promises and fascinating features. It’s important not to boast too much but still manage to showcase how unique and beneficial the products and services are.

Too much information (content uploaded) will only drive away users. These days, the more reader friendly and concise sales pitches are the more buyers they tend to attract. Online users have a short attention span. Cluttered and overly written information will only make it hard for the user to read it.

For internet marketers to successfully make money online it’s important to tell people why they have to choose the company/business in a just a few words or sentences. Users will definitely appreciate the less hassle and straight to the point approach.

However, it would take some thinking to be able to tell users what you want in limited words. As mentioned above, try to get a few authoritative people in your niche to provide constructive feedback on your product or service and include that in your sales page.

Challenge 4 – Distractions and Procrastinations

Since there are so many aspects into internet marketing and making money online, it might be hard to prioritize which comes first. From deciding how the pages would look like to the type of text, the kind of content and the kind of marketing strategy to employ, sometimes it’s hard to decide how much time should be allotted to each.

Tasks which are considered earlier to do may go unnoticed until the last minute. It’s important that internet marketers keep track of their schedules and the tasks at hand. Evaluating the complexity of the tasks might be able to help how much time should be devoted.

Internet marketer should avoid spending time doing other things. You should solely focus on marketing your website. Remember you are on a constant battle with Search Engines and other competitors. Your job is to win every day. So staying focus on task at hand is very important. It is easy to get distracted and not follow your plan. Just have a marketing plan and stay the course.

Challenge 5 – Constantly Changing Technology and Market

To successfully make money on the internet, it is important to always keep up with the latest trend. This might come as tedious because almost every day something new is introduced. From different websites, tools, products and services, the world is constantly changing.

Internet marketers need to regularly check out the competition and the kinds of tools they can use to market their products better. It may actually take quite a number of subscriptions and browsing before all the necessary information is obtained.

More details will be provided in subsequent series.

Challenge 6 – Branding

Branding refers to the way a company/business/entrepreneur is known in the market.

It gives people an idea of how the business does things. Branding is all about creating impact. From flashy graphics to distinctive logos, people should be able to identify the business apart from everyone else.

Much like how famous companies have their trademark signatures, symbols and personalities, internet marketers should be able to develop a way to drive retention and recall. To ensure recall, there should be reinforcement. This can mean publishing e-mail newsletters, becoming visible through online forums and simply repeatedly exposing the distinctive nature of the company through online advertisements.

You need to make sure your visitors remember you and they come back to your site regularly. If there is no branding, then there is no point in building a website business.

Challenge 7 – Creating Content

There are so much content out there on the internet. Now are they all 100% accurate information. No they are not and your visitors know that as well. So how do you give the confidence to your visitors that what you are providing is relevant and accurate? Well you need to look outside the book. This different than your competitors and provide unique content.

Article marketing or content marketing is one way to make a website or advertisement visible through search engines. Search engines love content. When people search for a set of keywords, the search engine usually picks up relevant content to display as part of its search results.

Internet marketers have to constantly update their content and set of keywords. Unless the content is constantly updated, it may go insignificant when people search for new keywords. It’s also important to regularly check what people are looking for. Knowing how they will search for things in the internet will give an idea on how to write and present content.

Challenge 8 – Having the Right Product

It’s necessary to market a product which people are looking for. If the product is not popular or relevant to many people, it may not sell that much. Unless the marketer makes the product a trend, it’s necessary to constantly market what is appealing to people.

You have to constantly update what you are selling. A market that is hot today will not be hot tomorrow. If you download my eBook, you will see some examples of this.

Challenge 9 – Communication

Aside from the content, internet marketers will also have to write sales/promotional letters and emails to successfully make money online. Sending emails and letters to people is a good way to advertise products and services.

However, the challenge is to write a convincing write up for the recipients to check out the product. It might be good to see what people find interesting to read and what they don’t.

Are you communicating with your audience? Not every internet marketer is a communications expert. You need to know your audience and you need to be able to communicate with them.

If you are operating a blog like mine and you want to be successful, then you need to know how to talk to your visitors. You need to know who will be coming to your site and you need to know the appropriate mechanism to communicate with them.

Challenge 10 – Backlinks and Website Support

Search engine optimization, search engine marketing, search engine everything… yes it all boils down to search engines. People go to search engines before they come to your site.

Backlinks help increase the search rank of the website. These refer to the links which are posted on other sites and which link back to the original website. If more and more websites are linking to the site of the business then the more exposure it would get.

The internet marketer needs to establish a network of website support. This can be done through forum posting, blog commenting and article submission. The more exposure the content of a site gets, the more sites will probably be able to link to it and the more people will see it.

There are many challenges to making money online. Nonetheless, overcoming them is possible. It takes some effort to learn the ins and outs of internet marketing. Once you understand things, the internet can be a very lucrative venue.

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