How to remove the default top navbar from Blogger Blog ?

Blogger by default provides a navbar at top which looks like below -

There are lots of features avaiable with this navbar like -
  • A search blog box
  • Flag the content in the blog option.
  • Next Blog option.
  • If you are signed into your blogger account,then Dashboard and Signout option.
Though it's quite useful for the blog users,some blogger want to remove the navbar mostly for the reason of improving the look of the blog.

So, here's step-to-step guide on how to remove default Blogger navbar -

STEP I - Login to Blogger > Layout > Edit HTML.

STEP II - Now copy the following code -
#navbar-iframe {
visibility: hidden;
STEP III - Place the above code anywhere below this tag -
STEP IV - Save template.

That's it you have successfully removed the Default Blogger Navbar.Check your Blog.

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