Best 30+ YouTube Videos to Help Bloggers

YouTube is filled with tons of resources for bloggers. There are thousands of videos about blogging, search engine optimization, web design, blog tools, analytics,themes and much more. Here is a list of YouTube videos to help bloggers to make a successful better blog.

Blogging Basics

*Blogs in Plain English
* - Step-by-Step Tutorial on How to Blog
*SMM Tips - Adding an RSS Feed on Blogger
*SMM Tips - Automatically Ping Your Blog
*Purchasing and setting up a Custom Domain through Blogger
*Blogger Tutorial - How to Start Blogging with Blogger
*How Leaving Comments On Blogs Can Drive Traffic to Yours
*Using Google Analytics To Check Your Blog Stats
*How to add Google Analytics Code to a Blogger Blog
*iBloggin - How to Blog from iPhone

Blog Design

* How to create a simple blog design with GIMP
* Customizing Your Blogger Template

Blog Monetization

* Blogging and Google AdSense
* How To Make Money From Your Blog
* How to Make Money With Google AdSense
* How to make money with Blogs

Blog Marketing

* 3 Successful Blog Marketing Tips
* Blog Marketing: Optimize Your Blog Posts for SEO
* How to Promote Yourself (and Your Blog) at a Conference
* How to Promote a Blog or Website Free

Social Media

* Social Media in Plain English
* Social Networking in Plain English
* Social Bookmarking in Plain English
* Twitter in Plain English
* Google's Advice On How Brands Can Leverage Social Media
* Stumbleupon - Web 2.0 Traffic Generation Secrets


* Podcasting in Plain English
* Web Search Strategies in Plain English
* Basic HTML and CSS Tutorial. How to make website from scratch
* Using Google's iGoogle to Track Blogs, RSS, & News
* Video: RSS in Plain English

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