If it is true that CNN will be buying Mashable, then it could be one of the biggest tech news of 2012. Reuters blogger Felix Salmon has learned from an unnamed source that CNN will buy social media website Mashable for more than $200 million dollars. The source says an announcement is expected for Tuesday.
You can learn more about mashable here: www.mashable.com/about/
Mashable is the largest independent news source dedicated to covering digital culture, social media and technology. Mashable reports on the importance of digital innovation and how it empowers and inspires people around the world. Mashable’s 20 million monthly unique visitors and 5 million social media followers have become one of the most engaged online news communities.
As on today, the site gets about 50 million pageviews daily and is considered as one of the biggest websites in the world. The Mashable Facebook fan page boasts of 839,000 fans, which is gargantuan by any standards.