1. Register yourself at mofuse.com
Why mofuse? – Mofuse is a free web service that allows anyone to create a mobile friendly web site for a blog (or any web site that has RSS feeds). Moreover it is recommended by some great bloggers.
2. After clicking on Launch a Mobile Site, You will get a URL for your mobile site something like – earningfromexpenses.mofuse.mobi
3. Customization of interference of your site is also simple by cllicking on Design/Colors link under Make it Unique tab. Apart from giving various colors, you can have your Logo too.
4. Mobile site Monetization can also be done by integrating your Adsense publisher account or AdMobi account by accepting Terms and conditions of revenue sharing.
5. If you own a hosting, then a custom domain (like m.sitename.com) can be used for your mobile site. Creating custom domain requires you to change DNS settings in your DNS (Domain Controller website). Click on the link Custom Domain link and enter URL you like.
Note : Using subdomain m is recommended since it is short and your users can easily guess the URL since almost all popular sites now follow the m. convention.
Another easy option to create mobile version is using Google reader. You mobile blog is ready at http://www.google.com/reader/m/view/feed/[feed_address]