Top ten payment gateways available in India in 2012 are:
CCAvenue: It is the most popular gateway used in India. It offers a plethora of payment options and processes almost all kind of cards, supports direct bank transfer and USD payments. No other gateway can match the services offered by the gateway. Though the gateway is completely reliable but it is also the most expensive service in the market.
EBS : The services offered by EBS are next to CCAvenue.EBS is equally reliable and offers plans cheaper to other gateway services. It offers multiple plans along with some discounts one can pick from. If you do not like any of them then you can select from the custom plans offered as per your needs.
Transecute: Transecute is yet another payment gateway that is gaining popularity in recent times mainly because of the services it offers. The best part is it does not charge any setup fee or withdrawal charges. The rate per transaction is 5% and it supports master and visa cards. The application is claimed to be processed within 15 days and one can withdraw weekly. Apart from that, in case a transaction is reversed the gateway also refunds the commission charged.
DirecPay: DirectPay is a Times group endeavor and is known for its fast and reliable services. The gateway offers multiple plans based on the amount one is willing to pay for setup as well as the kind of retail store one has setup.
Paypal: Paypal is one of the most popular gateways over the internet. However, it is suitable for you only if you have to deal with international clients. The gateway is not suitable for purely Indian market customers as it does not deal in Indian currency and hence one has to pay additional currency conversion charges along with the per transaction charges.
ICICI Payseal : It is an ICICI bank venture and their rate per transaction charge is also very less. The only thing is the gateway requires java technology to integrate it and the company sometimes take long to set the deal.
ABC Payments: ABCpayments is another payment gateway by IndiaMART. The gateway enables you to accept online bank transfers, credit cards and prepaid cash card payments from your customers. Apart from that it also offers free shopping cart, invoice management etc.
Paysignet: Paysignet not only supports almost all major international and domestic cards but also is by far the only gateway service that offers earn and pay facility. As per the facility, one has to pay only half the amount required to setup the account. The remaining half can be paid when you actually start earning from your website and funds are collected by the gateway.
HDFC Payment Gateway : The service is offered by HDFC bank. The services are reliable and the application is processed within 3 weeks. The transaction charges lay between 3.5-6% based on the plan you pick.
IndiaPay: Last but not the least, IndiaPay also supports multiple payment options accepting almost all cards along with the option to collect payment from international clients. It also offers you a comprehensive API along with fraud and risk management services.