Common 7 Myths about Computer and Software Busted and Explained

With daily use of Computer, People have made their own assumptions on it’s working and behavior. If not your own, may go by popular opinions and make false perceptions about Computer. This often leads to wrong practice and action taken by user so, I would like to bust those myths and find out what’s worth and what not.

1. Most Popular Software are always Best!

Some Software become so popular in their field and are adored by public and critics that you cannot ignore them. Take example of Photoshop for Photo editing and Word Processor – Microsoft Word. Actually, most of these have that potential to gain the privilege to be called as Best but still it varies depending on your need.Suppose, you need to upload photos to Web Gallery; Do you really need Photoshop for editing in this case? Photoshop has number of tools and features which you may think are unnecessary for your job and complicating your work. Along with some skills, it also requires powerful computer to start and process photos.

Also, these are many a times not free and you have to pay for the license of software. So, it is better to go for simple photo editors or use online photo editor. If professional kind of output is expected GIMP can also do wonders.

Hence, it completely depends on kind of work to be done and output expected before choosing a software.

2. You need to Pay for Good Software

The number of free programs able to achieve performance as good or even better than the Paid ones is much more than you think.The same applies for Games; you cannot ignore the fact that there are number of free games which can keep you engaged for hours. Also, office suites and free Multimedia conversion software or to manage projects.

So, there is always a Free alternatives to Paid Software but the problem is with the user expectation who expects identical program. Logically, some commands change and there are certain limits. Even the Popular Autocad has an free alternative.The exception is for very specific programs and extremely technical, such as processors and graphic modeling, advanced animation software, plugins and audio editors, as well as interfaces developed for niche markets.

Another common situation: many people spend enough time looking for some free program that meets the needs of your company or particular business. Because, not to find, often just hiring someone to develop the platform, not realizing that paying for a program that has already been tested might have been cheaper.

3. Software version should be always Updated

Messages notifying the user to make updates to the operating system, a program, the browser and components are part of our day. And so arises the eternal question: Do we need or not need to be upgraded to the latest version?In most cases, NO. Updates doesn’t always mean improvement because short term notifications are mostly about minor changes which doesn’t affect everyone. For example, some manufacturers correct minor errors at times affect few users, and decide to upgrade the product from version to, significant changes are not always added. Why lose weekly (or even daily) updates? The solution for those who do not like this unpleasant situation, you may disable warnings about recent updates.

When we talk about anti-virus, it is strictly necessary to maintain the latest updates. For newly created threats are launched daily in the network, database protection program needs to be updated, so often, updates are done automatically.

4. More the number of Programs installed, worse the performance

Dozens of factors affect the speed of a computer, ie, there is no set formula that determines the performance accurately. However, the set of hardware and operating system periodic maintenance are the main ingredients to achieve a fast and powerful computer.Each installed program instructions modifies the system registry and some include tickets to start automatically with Windows (or even with any application or internet connection). Disregarding this, programs and games also take up space on HD.These conditions can compromise the performance of tasks. However, only in extreme situations. When the HD is full of content (over 80% occupied), the space for virtual memory will be smaller, affecting the processing speed of RAM.

In such case, you can find out programs consuming more RAM and CPU and use Windows Cleaners.

5. Format is the ultimate solution for Slow Computers

Some computer technicians consider the format as a standard procedure, believing that the process is capable of solving all problems. In general, delete everything and start from scratch is effective, but not the only way.There are other ways to improve performance without having to go to the “drastic measure.” As occurs in relation to number of installed programs, be aware of the program that starts with Windows, clean registry and keep some space on your hard drive helps performance.

Sometimes, even Disk Defragmenting to arrange the files in sorted format for faster accessing is recommended and for that it is recommended to use All in one Disk Management Software.

6. Computer cannot be connected for a long time

Just as we do with other electronics, usually disconnect the computer when not in use. Thinking clearly, as it saves the hardware and economize light.  What to do when we are making very large downloads and the connection works?Is there a problem if we leave the computer logged in to download files? No, hardly your computer will melt if it is connected to three or four days.Still, it is true that life of parts decreases when computer components are working for longer time. Nothing is proven in relation to the continuous uptime and faster computer wearing. Amid all this, a valid indication is to disconnect from the monitor.

A tip: the longer the computer is connected and processing operations, more information is stored in RAM (even if you close all programs, there are gaps). Reboot the system now and then deletes the temporary records and prevents slow RAM.

7. Screensaver protects Computer Screen

The name “saver” confuses many people who think that screensavers are prolonging the lifespan of the monitor and ensure smooth operation. At first, the CRT tube models, screen savers actually avoided the screens lose brightness.However, with current technologies (LCD, LED and so on.), The only functions of a screensaver are to decorate the screen and there is no economy of light or “protection.”As mentioned above, the best way to preserve your screen is turning off the laptop Screen / monitor, another way out is to program the system to hibernate (standby) automatically after some time unused.

Remember we are not encourage anyone to stop updating, to never format (or shut down) the machine, forget the screensaver and replace other reputable programs for children.

The aim of this article is to clarify points and discussing considerations or popular opinions which grew into deserts without proper base. So, do you know any more myths spread or false following? Let me know by commenting.

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