Online Blogging as a Career in India – Look A Complete Review !!

In India, With increase in population and lack of employment these days, lots of youngsters have been starting their career as a professional blogger.Engineering students, medical professionals, MBAs, law students, bored housewives…you name it. The reasons more and more people are adopting blogging as a profession are mainly scope, job satisfaction and money.

Who don’t want to be his own boss? Working on your own time and leading an independent life. In the age of high speed internet, gone are the days where people work from 9 to 5.

I’m going to throw some light on few important points about pursuing a successful blogging career in India.

Scope of blogging in India

You must have heard that blogosphere is an already saturated field, scope of earning is very low, rate of failure is very high and bla..bla..bla..But, the reality is completely opposite. I can say confidently, the scope for professional blogging in India is tremendous. In every ages 2000 – 2005 – 2010, you will find people with half baked knowledge who spreads negative things about blogging.There is still a big gap between demand and supply of online contents in different niches. Subjects like photography, finance, self developments, fashion and education blogs are in great demand in India and abroad.

Yes, the technology space like gadgets, web-designing and SEO is quite saturated. That’s the reason quite a lot of technology bloggers rejected for AdSense ads by Google recently.

What is professional blogging

Bloggers, who blog or publish blog posts in a way which is thoroughly researched, well edited and presented in such an interesting way that adds value to the readers or blog visitors.One thing I want to clear – a Professional Blogger needn’t be a full-timer. A part-time blogger who blogs in a professional way also falls in this bracket. So, professional blogging can be full-time or part-time.

Yes. Name, fame and money is usually an intent or part of professional blogging.


Unlike other careers, professional blogging needs very less investment, in terms of money.For registering a domain name, buying web-space  may cost somewhere between Rs. 2,500 to Rs. 5,000 ( US$ 50 to 100).Your principal amount may be small, but you can generate a great revenue by leveraging your blogging career.


Besides the technical requirements, a blogger needs the following things for success -

1. Passion

2. Hard work

3. Expertise in your niche or subject

In reality, professional blogging requires high level of commitment and hard work. It is almost same as a 4 yrs of engineering degree or a 5 and 1/2 yrs of medical degree.If you are thinking, blogging is an easy way to earn money, because you failed in other professional fields, then you are absolutely wrong.You should atleast spend 6 to 8 hours daily for you blogging activities.


Now, the interesting part! Earning money is what motivates a blogger to become a professional, irrespective of part-time or full-time blogging.I can assure you, if you work hard for 2 to 3 yrs and make your blog authoritative, you can earn between Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 1,00,000 ( US$ 1000 to 2000) easily.Here I’m talking about single author blog, with or without accepting guest blogging. The earnings of multi-author blogs are always high.

5 Tips for blogging success

1. Produce well researched and unique contents.

2. Never publish copied or duplicate content from online or offline sources. You blog may be penalized by Google panda for this.

3. In the initial period, concentrate more on content to build a large reader base, instead of money.

4. You blogging niche or subject should be your passion or hobby. It helps you to enjoy your work and go a long way.

5. Learn a lot to know the tricks of the trade.

If you want to know something else about blogging career in India, you can ask your question in the comment section. I’m ready to help you. Wish you BEST OF LUCK !!

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