Facebook Graph Search You must Know !!

Facebook has introduced a search engine of its own, that will let you browse through the vast treasures of data the world’s largest social media network possesses. Facebook Graph Search is an intelligent search engine that lets you input various parameters, and streamlines your search results accordingly. Here are a few examples of how you can use this Graph Search.“Photos that I like” – This will show you all the photos that you’ve ever liked (or so Facebook will have us believe).

What’s great about Graph Search?

Unlike Google, Facebook has a large amount of personal data for more than a Billion users around the world. Even though Google has access to the whole internet, it doesn’t have such a large data set when it comes to user data. Google Plus sure is big, but isn’t big enough. So it seems Facebook has an edge in this regard.

Now as you may know, Facebook has well over a Billion users now. And counting the total number of pages, groups, and communities etc, trillions or connections can be made. Facebook Graph Search aims at streamlining available user data, and present you with just the information you want.

What can you do with Graph Search?

“Friends of friends who went to Cambridge University” – Maybe, you can find some college friends this way, who knows?
 “Friends in London who like to play Call of Duty” – Pretty cool, right? You can use this to gather around all your gamer friends, and have a multilayer match!“Friends of friends who live in New York” – I don’t know why you’d want to search this, but you get the gist. 
“Bands liked by people who also like Metallica” – This one is for the metal heads out there! Use this to discover more metal bands and music groups that your friends like.

“Fast food joints in London that my friends like” – Will help you find a good restaurant in London.

 The power of recommendations will play a vital role in almost all searches, because people like to check out what others recommend. Google tried to introduce a similar concept with its +1 button, but Facebook’s way of doing it seems somewhat more convenient.
As you can see, you can find a whole lot of new information this way. “It’s a completely new way for people to find information on Facebook,” says Mark Zuckerberg. This search is almost akin to the advanced voice search apps on the iOS (Siri) and Android platforms. But of course, this search is limited to Facebook, and is text based search. It will also auto-complete your queries in real-time, and give you suggestions, just like Google search.

You will see this feature in a new blue search bar at the top of every page pretty soon. Right now, the project is in its initial phase, with work still going on. Stay tuned for more updates on Facebook Graph Search.

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