Advantages of owning an Online Internet Business ...

This is the Information age and all you have to get rich quick is an idea. Yes, in the information age your success depends on how many eye balls (Web traffic) you control. The more web traffic you can attract towards your web site, the more rich you will become.
Web Businesses include Blogs, Web sites, Forums, Communities…..etc..

There are so many advantages of owning a Web Business. Here are few -
01) Faster Appreciation than any other Asset -
Web Assets (Web sites, Blogs, Forums, Web Businesses, Communities…etc) appreciates much faster than any other traditional asset classes such as stocks, bonds, gold & real estate. All the traditional assets grow between 5-25% Per Annum rate while Web Assets grow anywhere between 50% 1000% per Annum. Yes. this is true. You won’t believe it but this is true. Web Properties(Businesses) appreciates much faster than any other traditional Asset classes.
Say for Example, if you have 2 lakh rupees. Now imagine that you invest 1 lakh rupees in equity mutual fund for 5 years which is the highest paying offline asset class. And you invest rest of the 1 lakh rupees in acquiring already established blog or website or developing your own Web business from start-up.
Now after 5 years if you count the returns than the stock market will give your anywhere between 10-40% per Annum compounded annual return while your Web property would have given you anywhere between 50-1000% per Annum compounded annual return. So after 5 years when you will sell your Web Business your Rs.1 lakh invested in it will be much much more than those 1 lakh that you have invested in Stocks.
So try this time Web Business/Property Investment from your spared money…!!!

02) Passive Income -
The Best part about owning a Web Business is that, as long as you own it, it will provide you a steady Income. The web traffic is averagely same on any web site. Say for Example you buy some 1 year old established Finance Blog for Rs. 5 lakhs which is at present producing Rs. 20,000 per Month Income than once you buy it, even if you don’t out your efforts to grow that Blog, the content that is already inside that Finance blog is also valuable and it will earn Rs.20,000 per month without doing anything behind that blog.
And if you want to increase this monthly income without putting your any effort than you can pay Rs.10,000 to some Personal Finance author per month and he will write articles & create a great content for your blog and its blog readers.

03) Faster Growth -
The another goof thing about owning a Web Business is that, in comparison to traditional offline businesses, it grows much faster. Sometimes as high as 700% per Annum. A traditional offline Business can never ever grow at this much faster rate.
04) Easy to Sell -
Web Businesses are really easy to sell. The simplest way to sell your web business is, you sell it on E-bay. E-bay is the best place to put your web business for sale online. However, you can also higher some professional web property broker and he will do all the hard work to sell your web business for you for few percentage in the profit. Alternatively you can search google also for other online web property buying & selling websites.

05) Grows automatically once it reaches a certain size -
If you have developed a successful Web Business out of scratch and if it reaches to a certain level of size, popularity and a brand value than it will grow automatically. Not only this but you will find a free writers or new content creators for it also. And because of its popularity and brand value, it will attract more and more new web traffic automatically every month…….
So owning a Web Business is a smart idea to get rich quick in the Information Age. So Next time whenever you have a spare money to Invest, Think about Investing it in some Web Business rather than traditional Assets such as Stocks, Bonds, Gold & Real Estate…..!!!!!!!

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