Make Money From Blogging Without Palcing Ads

The main source of income for all the bloggers is the advertising. Blogging has become one of the easiest way to ‘Get rich quick’ amongst internet savvy people. It has attracted large chunk of journalists as well as college students who aspires to become a great blogger one day.Blogging is gaining popularity day by day and blogosphere is expanding with new people getting into the field. When talking about advertising Google Adsense comes first in mind then come affiliate marketing. But Adsense is too strict with rules and whenever anyone gets banned from the Adsense, then the thought hits the mind, Is Advertisement Only Way To Earn Money From Blog? Can’t We Earn From Blog Without Ads? Well, the answer is Yes, you can earn without ads and I am going to list ‘How’ one can earn money from blog without relying on ads.

Ways to Earn Money Without Advertisements on Your Blog

1. Offer Services

During your blogging career, you may get good skills in any particular field. It may be content writing, may be SEO service, designing service, consultation service, hosting migration service, account setup, theme setup or any other service. You can use your talent and can offer your services to your blog’s visitors. You can place ‘Hire Me’ page on your blog making it easier for your visitors to hire you. Even, there are plenty of forums, sites, freelance sites available from where one can offer his/her service. For example Digital point forum, Elance, and Fiverr are some of the best examples where you can offer your service.

2. Sell E-book

This is the best ongoing method to earn money from your blog. You can write E-book on the niche of your blog and can sell it at decent rates to earn some extra bucks. One of the perfect example of earning money from eBook or some sort of course is WSO forum. It is a great place where like minded people share industry’s best knowledge at an affordable price. Your E-book should be perfectly designed to match the niche, you are writing on. It will make good impression of your E-book on reader and thus he/she can recommend it to their friends. So more sales and hence more money.

3. Write Paid Reviews

Once your blog gets popular, you start getting lots of requests for paid reviews. Publishing paid reviews on your blog is also one of the best way to earn a good amount of money from your blog.

4. Apply To Writing Jobs

Blogging is all about writing content. While writing content for your blog, you will learn new English skills, you will improve your mistakes and all this will lead you to a quality content writer. You can use your English skills to get writing jobs. There are various paid writing jobs available on the internet which requires persons with good English skills and as you have this property so you can work easily and can earn a good amount.

5. Sell Links

If your blog gets good page rank, then other bloggers will be mad to buy links from you. But this method to earn money is not as good as others. If you over use this method and sell many links from your blog to others, then it may get treated as spam by search engines. As you know that all the search engines are very seriously against the spam sites, so you will not be able to see your blog’s name glowing in the search engine. But if you use within the limits, then this is also good method to earn money from your blog.

Earning money from blog is both tough as well as easy task. If your blog is popular then you can earn handsome money from your blog, even without ads.
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