How to Make Money in Share Market

How to Make Money in the Stock Market?

This is one of the commonest query that I receive every week. Many people around this world want to know the answer of this question. In fact, taking the advantage of people’s this need, many Internet Marketers are selling eBooks, CDs, Courses & Programs on – How to make money from the Stock Market?

Well, see. first of all you need to understand that What is a Stock (Share) and why the Stock Market Exists?

Well, A Stock is not just a piece of paper but it’s the ownership of a Company. Just think in this manner. You have a Cake. Now you cut this Cake into 100 small pieces. Now, each piece is the part of the Cake and represents the value of the Cake. The same is true about the Stock. A Company (Business) is cut into literally millions of Small pieces of the same size and each piece of the company is known as a Stock.

Now, where to buy and sell these pieces of the Companies (Shares)? Obviously there should be some market place for buying and selling these pieces. This Market place is known as the Stock Market. Now, to make money from the Stock market, you need to understand the 2 basic skills that required to do the proper valuation of any Business.

01) Fundamental Analysis &

02) Technical Analysis

without having these skills it is difficult to make money in the share market. Now, What if you don’t have time to learn these skills because you are busy with your job and still want to make money from the stock market?

Well, in that case you have to hire some person who is expert in doing so on behalf of you. I am talking about Mutual Funds & Fund Managers. If you don’t want to learn How to invest in the stock market than simply divert your money towards the fund manager.

Now, if you really want to learn how to invest in the stock market wisely than I suggest you one book that is also recommended by the legendary investor and world’s second richest person – Warren Buffet.

The Book is The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham. This is the best ever Investment book I have ever read in my life. Simply buy this book from your near store and learn that how to invest wisely in the stock market.

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