The Best way to Retire Early

After the birth of the internet (1990), more and more young people started retiring early. Some people became millionaire or even billionaire in their twenties and early thirties. Thus because of the birth of the Internet, more and more people will become rich and ultra-rich in their twenties and early thirties.
So What is the Best way to Retire Early?
Well, the best way to retire early is that, you start your own Web Business (Internet Business) as early as possible in your life means now. Developing a Valuable web business is the key to early retirement.
The reason behind developing a web business is very simple. Because the web properties appreciate much much faster in their valuations than the traditional  offline Properties such as stocks, gold, bond & real estate. Take the Example of my Finance Blog “My Journey To Billionaire Club.” I have started developing this web property since March 2008. And today after more than a year, The Valuation of my this web property is US $ 7,339 (Rs.3,66,000).
So in just one year, I have developed an Asset which is worth of US $ 7,339. And the best part of this Valuation is that, it is ‘On paper’ Valuation only. So unless I sell my Blog, I won’t realize this gain. This is a Capital Gain so it will remain ‘On paper’ only until I sell my Web Property.
Now you will ask that, what is the advantage of ‘On Paper’ Valuations? After all they are ‘On paper’ so how can these on paper valuations benefit us? Well, the main advantage of on paper valuation is that, it is on paper so it is virtual. So it will appreciate much much faster. Right now my Blog valuation is increasing at the rate of 100% per year.
Now whenever I will decide to take the early retirement in my life, I will sell my Blog cum web business. So at that time, this ‘On Paper’ Valuation (Capital Gain) will be realized. And I will be able to take the early retirement in my life.
Now this can be only possible with the Information Age & Web Properties. Because traditional assets such as socks, bonds, gold, mutual funds & real estate will only give you 4 – 20% return per year. And with this much low rate of return it is almost impossible to retire early.

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