How to Make Money from Facebook Applications?

Do you know that, you can make money from Facebook?…………. Well, Don’t interested right?…….because you are already earning a fat paycheck from your job even during the time of recession so you are not interested in earning few more Bugs…….Right?………
OK….Let me ask you in different way…………..

Do you know that you can be Millionaire from Facebook?………….Ummm…Well, you will now think that this guy is Kidding……. How anyone can be Millionaire from Facebook Applications? This Guy is Exaggerating the matter and telling us…………….
Well, Ok……than let me tell you the Truth about How much can you earn from Facebook without Exaggerating the Matter……….
Well, You can earn from Facebook anywhere between few thousand Bugs to US $ 200 Millions..!!!!!!!!!!

Believe Me……I am telling you the Truth……….!!!!!!!
You can make literally hundreds of Millions from Facebook Applications if your FB Application becomes Popular on the Facebook.
If you want to confirm my Statement than go to Adonomics is the Facebook analytics site. By providing a stock-market-style analysis of the Facebook platform it enables developers and investors to track application growth, activity, and valuation.
So What is Facebook Application? -
The definition of facebook application is a platform for developers which provides a framework to interact with the core facebook features. A Facebook application can be anything. It may be a simple application to interact with people or it can be a complex 3-D game.
Not only this but you can also sell Digital Goods via Facebook Applications. 

Why Facebook Applications? -
Well, for a success of any website or an online application, Web Traffic is required. The Web Traffic is the key to success of any thing which is online.
Now, let me tell you some staggering statistics…..
Few days back, Facebook has hit 200 Millions Mark……!!!!! Yes, Now Facebook has 200 Million Users worldwide.
It means that,
- The Facebook population is now 24 times larger than the population of New York City.
- The FB Population is equivalent in size to 1,904 completely-sold out shows at the gigantic Wembley Stadium.

Want any more Example to imagine that How Giant the Facebook is? Ok here it is…….
- “If Facebook was a Country than it was the fifth Largest Country in the world…”
Yes, This is true. So there are so many advantages of making a Facebook Application. Because from the day first, your FB Application will be highly exposed to the web traffic. And High web traffic means high revenue.
How Facebook Application can make you Rich? -
Well, there are several ways to make Money from Facebook Applications.
- One common way to earn money from FB Applications is by selling adspaces on it. Right now so many FB Applications are making literally US $ 20,000 per Day….. And that is US $ 7 Million per Annum.
- Another way to make a huge profit from the FB Applications is by selling it. It’s like selling any other Asset such as your home, Stocks, Art, Rental Property…….etc….
Useful Resources -
01) – This site offers a great detailing about FB applications in stock market ups and down manner. You will find many useful information about FB Applications on this site.
02) VirtualMarketing Blog – See How can you earn from
03) Facebook Hits the 200 Millions so where is your App?
04) Facebook Developers – An official website of Facebook for FB Application Developers.
05) – If you have Money to develop FB Applications but don’t have a skill to develop it. Than Go to, you will find lots of Freelance writers here. You negotiate a prize with them and they will make a FB Application for you…….

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