Internet Business Opportunities in India

After the birth of the Internet (1990), The new Virtual world is created. There are so many Internet Business Opportunities out there. But for this, you have to use your mind. In countries like India, still people are unaware about the potential of the Information Age.

Online Statistics -
If we talk about India than in India there are 47 Million (4.7 Crores) Unique Users who use Internet daily for various purposes.
If we talk about USA, than in USA there are 320 Million (32 Crores) Unique Internet Users who daily use the Internet.
So Combinely USA & India has Total of 320 + 47 = 367 Million (36.7 Crores) of Unique Internet Users right now when I am writing this Article. And according to study, by the end of 2011, The Internet Users in India will grow to 100 Millions (10 Crores).
And All of these 367 Million Users are knowing the English very well.
In short, I want to tell you that, There is a great Internet Business Opportunity for people of India. You can virtually sell anything to these 367 Million people.
The advantage of the Industrial Age is that, Suppose if I start my Business in Ahmedabad City today than I can provide my Goods & Services to only 7 Million people at a time. Because the Total Population of the Ahmedabad City is 7 Million.

But if I start an Internet Business than from the first day, My Target Population will be more than 367 Millions. And that is 52 Times higher than the 7 Million population of Ahmedabad.
So ultimately, My Business Revenue and Growth will be much much higher than the traditional brick and mortar Business Model.

This is the advantage of the Internet Business. There are lots of Internet Business Opportunities for people of India. All you require is a great Business idea and the online space. And that’s it…. You can sell anything to whole of this world.

Following is a List of some Great Internet Business Opportunities -
01) Blogging / Writing -
02) Selling Products & Services Online -
03) Auctions (on -
04) Affiliate Sales ( -
05) Direct Advertising -
06) Ad Programmes (Google AdSense, YPN, Chitika, AdBrite…etc..) -
07) Online Education -
08) Trading (Buying & Selling) Web Businesses Online -

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