Make Money: It doesn’t require money anymore…

There is an old saying that, “It requires money to make money.” But let me tell you that, the laws of money has been changed. It doesn’t require money to make money anymore. The reason is, after 1971 the US government has removed the gold standard. President Nixon had announced to the world Bank that, “The United Stated will never redeem their Dollars with Gold anymore.” So After 1971, The US Dollar is not backed by Gold anymore but it is backed by the full faith of the United Stated Government. After that other countries of world also had followed the same thing.
So Now our Government can print as much money as it wants. So after 1971, Money became a Currency. Modern Money is a Currency which is backed by the faith of the Government. In other words, Modern Money is a Monopoly money. Those who don’t know anything about monopoly, i would like to tell them that Monopoly is the most famous board game of USA in which the Bank can print as much money as it want.
So Now you can also print your money out of a thin air just like government legally. It doesn’t require  money to make money anymore in this world. So what it requires to make money? Well, it requires an idea to print your own money. So how can we do that?
Well, with the help of the Internet. After the birth of the Internet, more and more millionaires born and will be born. In the Information age, it requires just an idea to make money. How? Well, see. whenever you create an Asset, it is equivalent to the money. Because when you sell that Asset, you can make huge money. Say for Example, Businesses. Businesses are Assets. If you develop a Business, hold it for few years and than sell it, than you can make huge money. But of course it requires money to develop Business. So how can you create Assets without money? Well, the answer is Internet Business. By creating web properties (Internet Assets) you can print your own money without having any money in your pocket. Blogs, websites, forums, communities, Facebook Applications are few examples of web properties.
You can create these Assets out of nothing. Say for Example, Blog. You can create Blog out of an idea only. No need to invest any money. You can simply start your Blog with Free blogging platforms such as Blogger or Wordpress.  You won’t believe it but right now so many blogs around this world are worth of millions. Not only this but few bloggers have sold their blogs for millions of dollars. How much they had invested behind developing their Blogs? Time only and no money. They had created their Multi-million dollar Asset (Blog) out of an idea only. It did not require money to make money. So understand the power of the Internet & the Information Age, use your mind and make money out of nothing…!!!

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