We are in Internet Age

You might not aware of this, But we are in the Information Age where “Information is the Asset.”
Yes, Information is the Asset. You believe it or not but this is true. The Information is the Asset. After 1990, the Information Age started and the Industrial Age gets over.
The most common traditional Assets are Stocks, Bonds, Gold & Real Estate.
But after 1990, The New Asset class was created in the Economy and that was "The Information.”
Yes, Information is the Asset just like your home, stocks, bonds, gold, portfolio & Real Estate. You can buy, sell, trade & Rent Information.
Don’t believe me?
Well, Let me Explain you by Examples.
Just take the Example of this Blog. I always say that, This Blog is my Web Business. So have you ever think that basically which types of products or services I sell through this Blog?
Well, I sell you “Digital Information Products” by this Blog….. How?
Well, You can see the Google AdSense advertises on this Blog right? Now whenever a reader clicks on these adds, I am getting paid. What is my job? Well, my job is to create interesting & information rich Personal Finance, Investments & Entrepreneurship content for you. And Google AdSense will publish appropriate adds around it.
So whenever you find those adds interesting, you click on those adds and I am getting paid and that is my Royalty.
What Am I providing to you?
Well, Information. The Information about Personal Finance & Money Matters and Internet Entrepreneurship.
Now I can Sell this Blog also at a fair price. Because the Archive of this Blog contains much Information Rich Articles that can provide Information to the people for ever and can generate a steady cash flow for ever.
Not only this but I can buy the Information (Articles) from other writers also. There are thousands of writers on the web who sell their Information products to Bloggers like me.
So in the Information age, Each smallest piece of Information is helpful to many other people around the world and by selling or renting it you can create Economical Opportunities and benefits.
The Best Part about Information is that, You can create it by your self. Where to buy a cheap iPhone is also an Information and is an Asset. Information is the Asset which you can create from your mind only. It’s not like a stocks, bonds, gold and real estate where the demand and supply rule follows.
In case of Information, the more interesting, useful and informative Information you provide, the more you can sell it and thus more Revenue you can generate.
You are reading this article and consuming the Valuable Information incorporated in it. This Information is useful to you because after reading this article, you will have more Information about the Information age and more opportunities to create wealth out of Selling Information Goods & Services.
So Next time you will definitely visit this blog to consume some more Information from this Blog. And thus my this web business will go on and on……
So understand the potential of the Information Age. If you have a detailed Information about anything than just make an “Information Portfolio” of it just like me (This Blog’s Archive).
The more you grow your Information Portfolio, More Money you will earn and More Capital Gains will be there when you will sell it…..!!!!!!!

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