Best AdSense Blog India

I have found several people in India, who are making good profit by displaying Google  AdSense adds on their Blogs. In fact, few people are making a Living on it.
One Such Example is, Amit Agarwal of Blog, A Technology Blog. Amit is making literally 6 figure Income in Dollars every year from his Blog by Displaying Google AdSense adds on his Blog. Amit is IIT and living in Agra, India. Amit has started professional Blogging since 2004. And Today he is earning more than Rs.1 Crore per year from his Blog.
Amit is just 32 years old and he is earning this much amount of money from his Blog every year. This shows that, Making Fortunes from Internet is possible. Still Blogging is in Nascent stage in India and Blogging Community of India is in Primary stage.
If you want to learn more about Professional Blogging than Go to Amit Agarwal’s India Blog School.
In short, Blogging is a Business & its owner is a CEO. The time will come when every human being on this earth will have a Blog to share his or her thoughts.

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