How Can I Protect the Name of My Blog?

"How Can I Protect the Name of My Blog?"

Well, those who don't know anything about Intellectual Properties, let me tell you that Intellectual Properties are born because of the labour of your mind such as Articles, Poems, Songs, Music, Novel, Invention, Sketches, Blogs, Brand Names...etc... And they are exactly same like any other properties such as Stocks, Bonds, Gold and Real Estate.

And like any other properties, You should protect them. A Blog is your IP Asset. And the name of your Blog is also a Property. Because over the time, people will visit to your Blog by the name of your Blog only. So it has a value.

So How to Protect the Name of your Blog?

Well, there are basically 2 methods of protecting the Name of your Blog. One is very simple. You simply go to and register your domain name with them. Once you will register a Domain, they will ask you for a package of .net, .org, .info, .biz etc.... They will offer you a package of US $ 15 per year and all of these Domains will be yours. So in this way you can protect the Brand Value & the Market Competition of your Web Business. Because if you do this, than nobody else in the future can fraudulantely divert the traffic of your website to other similar domains.

Second way to Protect your Blog Name is, You Higher an Intellectual Property Attorney & File an application for Trademark. Google, Yahoo, Microsoft are Trademarks. This is the Bullet Proof Method of Protecting the Brand Name of your Blog or a Web Business.

Some people combine both of these 2 methods. Means they file for Trademark Registration as well as Register all the other Domains...!!!

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