Blog Valuation: How to Count Net Worth of your Blog?

Blog Valuation: How to Count Net Worth of your Blog?
Blog is an Asset just like any other Asset such as Stocks, Bonds, Gold, Real Estate, Art & Businesses. A Blog is now considered as a Company and its owner as a CEO. But still many people don’t know the fact that, Blog is an Asset. Because to become an Asset, there should be a viable market. Say for Example, Art. Up to recent past there was no viable market for an Art. But after 1995, the viable market for Art developed and art became an Asset.

The same is true for Blogs. Up to 2005, there was not any viable market for the Blogs. But after 2005, blogs started selling. And people started to invest in blogs and thus Blogs became an Asset. So if you own a Blog,it means that you are the owner of an Asset.
Owning a Blog is exactly same like owning a piece of Real Estate means as long as you hold it, you will be benefited by Regular Google AdSense Income (Just like Rental Income) and when you sell it, you will be benefited by Huge Capital Gains (Just like Real Estate). Yes, This is true. Blogs increase in the Valuation day by day. As the time passes, Blogs become more popular and thus more valuable.
But again, there is one problem in considering Blogs as an Asset. The problem is Valuation. If you own a Blog than how much value it should have? What should be the fair valuation (Net Worth) of any Blog?
Well, there are many methods for valuation of Blogs in the world. But here are few most acceptable Blog Valuation methods. Hope you will like it.

01) Business-Opportunities Weblog: How Much is your Blog Worth?
This is probably the most widely used and acceptable method of Blog Valuation. I personally calculate the Net Worth of “My Journey To Billionaire Club” with this method. The reason is, because it is simple, easy to use and fairly accurate.
This method is based on Link-to-Value method of Blog Valuation. Means each Incoming link that your blog receives has a value. The famous acquition of Weblogs Inc, A Blog Network was done by AOL for US $ 25-40 Million by this method only and that’s why many people around this world believe in this method.

02) A Virtual Exit: Blog Valuation Calculator -
This is another method of calculating the Blog Valuation. Which is in fact more accurate than the first one because it takes into consider so many parameters such as Google Page Rank, Blog Revenue and many others.
03) Zoho Sheet: Blog Valuation Calculator -
Zoho sheet is in beta version. But it’s more accurate than the first method of Blog Valuation because it takes into consideration more parameters. It’s simple and easy to use. It is on spread sheet so you can simply fill the spread sheet and check the net worth of your Blog.
04) (B$) -
Well, this is not the Blog valuation web site but it is the virtual stock market game for blogs where you can consider blogs as a Company. Each Blog will have 5000 shares out of which 1000 controlling shares will be of Blog Owner or the CEO of the Company and rest of the 4000 non-controlling shares will be in Public. Of course it is not the blog valuation method but its just a game.

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