A Blog is your Asset

Do you know that your Blog is your Asset? It is just like your any other asset such as stocks, gold, bonds, real estate and mutual funds. A Blog is your Virtual Asset.
A Blog is a Virtual Asset. Because it is Online in the blogosphere. A Blog does not have any physical presence but it is present in the virtual space known as the Internet. Owning a Blog is exactly like owning a rental property, stocks and mutual funds. Means as long as you hold it, it will provide you a steady cashflow (Income from Google adsense, affiliate marketing or by selling digital goods) and when you sell it, it will provide you a huge capital gains.

Yes, it is true. You can now buy & sell your Blog. A Blog is considered as a web property. Its just like any other property. There are so many websites on the web where you can buy and sell blogs. The Valuation of any blog depends on so many factors such as Blog Revenue, Web traffic, Google page rank, readers, unique daily & monthly visitors, Blog Popularity, Brand Value, Competitiveness in the blogsphere and many other factors.

Right now when I am writing this article, there are 120+ Million blogs in the blogsphere. many blogs are worth more than US $ 1 Million while some very popular blogs are worth of more than US $ 100 million…!!!
If you have a spare money than this time invest it in buying a Blog rather than investing it in buying stocks, gold, real estate and mutual funds. This time try this new Asset class, the Virtual (Online) Asset Class.
The reason behind investing your money in Online Assets such as blogs is, the online assets appreciates much more faster than the traditional offline Assets. Stocks, Bonds, Gold & Mutual Funds can give you 4 – 20% return per year. But if you own a Blog (Online Asset) than it can give you as high as 700 – 1000% return per year.

So Understand this next generation Asset Class and invest your money and time behind it.

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