How to Blog?

‘How To Blog?’What a Simple Question this is…….Right?….. But Let me tell you that, still so many people of India don’t know that How to Blog. So This Article is all about ‘How To Blog’ in a Simple & easy to understand Language…..

Yes, This is True. Previously, Blogs were only an Entertainment Platform. But now Blogs can be your Business Platform. Blogs are now considered as a Company. And you are its CEO. Suppose I own this Blog. So it means that, I am owning a Company, A Business, A Web Business.
** So How to Blog?
Well, This question has 2 meanings. One is How to Blog Technically? And second is How to Blog successfully that can attract millions of Audience around it?
$ - So How to Blog Technically?
Well, there are many Blog platforms available for Blogging. The 2 most famous and reputed platforms are Blogger & Wordpress. It’s just like opening an e-mail account. Once you register, you can start blogging from next minute.
But let me tell you that you should have a basic knowledge of RSS, MS Words, Typing, Internet & How to surf the web. Than and only Blogging is for you. However, if you don’t know the above skills than don’t worry, you can acquire these skills any time.

$ – How to Blog Successfully?
Well, This is really a difficult question to explain. But let me give you very brief and accurate information about how to blog successfully?
--> PASSION – Passion is the key of a Successful Blogging. You start your Web Business (Blog) around which you are passionate about. If you don’t know that what is the routine savings account interest rate than starting a Finance Blog just to earn Money is a Fool’s Idea. The advantage of starting a Blog around your Passion is that, you have an Edge. Now, take the Example of this Blog.
I have started a Personal Finance, Entrepreneurship & Business Ideas Blog not because this is a hot money making subject. But because I am Passionate about this Subject. And my Knowledge in this Subject is so much sound that, I can give a good competition to other Peer (Competitor) Blogs.

--> PERSISTANCEPersistence is the second key of Successful Blogging. If you are not persistent than you can’t run a Successful Blog.

--> BE PRACTICAL - Write What people want to read & Not you want them to read. If you want to do Blogging as a Business than I advise you to write what people want and not you want to tell them. Of course, sometimes if you write 2-3 posts on your own thoughts than its alright but for a Cash flow Generating Blogging you have to write what people want.
Say for Example, This Article. This Article is in front of you and you are reading this Article not because I want to teach you about ‘How to Blog’ But it is your Demand. And that’s why I have created this Article to fulfill your Demand. I have analyzed the Search Information & came to know that Indians want to know ‘How to Blog’ and that’s why I have created this Article. And right now this article is receiving good visits every day.

$ – How to Make Money from Blog?
Well, there are so many ways to make money from Blog. Here are few common ways to make Money from your Blog.

01) Google AdSense This is the most common way to make money from your Blog. Right now while reading this Article, you are seeing the adds surrounding this Article. What are these?. Well, these are the adds by Google AdSense. So whenever you click on these adds, I will get paid. Right now many Bloggers around this world are making literally millions of dollars every year by this method.

02) Affiliate MarketingIt means that you sell someone else’s products from your blog & get paid commission. is one such site.
** Useful Resources about ‘How to Blog?’ -
If you want to know more about ‘How to Blog’ than here are 2 useful resources on ‘How to Blog?’ Both of the following Blogs are well known and reputed blogs on the web.

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