What are Backlinks?

A backlink is simply links from one site to another. It is one of the factors that determines how popular your blog is and ultimately how fast it’s going to get off the ground. The more relevant backlinks to your site, the better – and by relevant I mean the sites linking to you should be related to your topic (If your blog is about fancy cars it's probably going to do you little good to have a link for your site on a blog dedicated to quilting.)

Ok, so I get what a backlink is, but what does it matter?

Let me direct you to another Mr. Miyagi quote if I may:

“We make sacred pact. I promise teach karate to you, you promise learn. I say, you do, no questions.”

Swap karate with monetizing your blog and we’re good to go. Seriously speaking here – backlinking is a great way to do the following:

1.) Network with other bloggers and site owners.
2.) Establishing you as a major player on the web and ultimately getting higher listings in Google’s Search.
3.) Promoting your blog to other readers who frequent these other sites.

Ah I get it now! But how do I get started?

You may already have! That’s the great part about backlinking. If you have interesting content, chances are someone may already be linking to you. But even still you should do some networking. My recommendations to you are to bookmark some bloggers in your niche and get to know them – participate with quality comments on their sites. Most bloggers have a contact form or email link and from there you can request a link exchange. Key word here is “request”… do not beg.

Remember, we’re going to make money blogging but we have to earn it. Backlinks are one of the most popular ways to drive traffic to our blogs. So what are you waiting for? Start networking today.

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