How to Make a Million Dollar on Twitter

How to Make a Million Dollar on Twitter?

Day by day, Twitter is getting more and more popularity as a social media. Twitter is a microblogging platform where you can post small posts of 140 Characters only known as Tweets. Twitter is a great way to communicate with mass people on the Internet in no very less time.

What you have to do is, You have to just open the new twitter account and start tweeting on it. Daily 5-10 tweets are sufficient to build a good number of followers on Twitter. You can tweet even more. Now, Here the Million Dollar question is that, Is it possible to make literally millions of dollars from Twitter? And if yes than How?

Well, the short and sweet answer is - “Yes”.

It is possible to make millions of dollars on Twitter. Companies like IBM & Dell are making millions of dollars from Twitter by tweeting the promotional offer codes. Many Affiliate marketers around the world are making 6 figure income every year by tweeting affiliate links on the Twitter.

But for making this much amount of money, You need a very large follower base say in Hundreds of Thousands. Than and only, you will be able to make lots of money from your Twitter account. The basic way of making money from Twitter is the Affiliate Marketing. Here you make money by sending Affiliate links to literally hundreds of thousands of followers from your Twitter account.

And if only 1-2% of them buy from the affiliate links, you will make hundreds of thousands of dollars every month.

But well, Having the follower base of Hundreds of thousands is a difficult task. It will require hours and hours of hard for at least a year on daily basis to grow your follower base. Once you have sufficient amount of followers say for Example, 10,000+ Followers, You can make money from your Twitter account.

The Best thing about Twitter is its widest reach on the Internet.

If you are a young, college going student or even if you are a High School Going Kid, you can make money from Twitter. Twitter is a game of numbers. The more numbers (People) you will attract (Followers), The more money you will make out of your Twitter Account…!!!

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