How to be Billionaire

There is a lot of literature about how to be rich, financially free & Millionaire. But very few literature about how to be Billionaire. Well, Becoming a Billionaire is a science. The science of Valuation. The science of creating new wealth in the economy.

Becoming a Millionaire and Multi-millionaire is a different thing while becoming a Billionaire is the entire different thing. Becoming a Billionaire requires an entirely different mind set and action. If you want to be a Millionaire than all you have to do is regular Savings & Investing in Equity or Equity related instruments (Such as Mutual Funds) over a period of long time.

The Compound interest will work in favour of you over the time and multiply your wealth in a breath taking way. But if you want to be a Billionaire than you must have an entirely different mindset. Remember the fact that, A Billion Dollar is the ‘On Paper’ Valuation of the Assets. A Billion dollar is not an earning of anybody.

The most common way to become a Billionaire is - “Develop a Successful Business around your Passion and take it to the Public. Once the securities of your Company will be listed on the various stock exchanges, it will appreciate in its value over the time and you can be a Billionaire.”

In fact, this is the one and only possible way to become a Billionaire. You go to Forbes website and see the list of billionaires of this world. All of them have one thing in common and that is all of them are equity holders in their own publically listed companies and now the worth of their own stake in their own companies is worth of billions.

These billions of dollars are nothing but the ‘On Paper’ Valuation of their stake in their own listed businesses. And most of the time of their life, it will be ‘On Paper’ only. The Billionaires can only realize billions of dollars in real if they sell their billion dollar stake in their own listed companies. But they will never do so. Because by doing so they will lose the control over their own Business.

So if you want to be a Billionaire than simply develop a Business and focus on taking it to the public. Of course it is not easy. But it is the one and only possible way to become a Billionaire.

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