6 Reasons Why Your Blog/Website is Not Getting More Visitors

Most of my readers asked me why they do not get enough traffic to their blogs. Here are the top and main reasons why your website is not getting the amount of traffic that you would like to have on your blog/website.

1. Bad Content:

The ultimate truth for anyone who is looking to make a living online is that your content has to be unique and appealing. You have to offer good content to your readers. If a reader visits your blog, your aim will be to get the guy hooked to your blog. If your content is not good, you will lose the reader in all probability. Returning visitors are the people who help you make money online.

2. SEO is very poor:
Search Engine optimization is arguably the most important part of blogging. If your content is good, but then it is being read by nobody, it is of no use. SEO is a major tool which determines the page rank of your website/blog on the major search engines.

3. Act on the knowledge that you gain:
There are dozens of great internet marketing books on the web. My guess is that you have been through most of these but you have never acted on the methods explained there. Traffic is money on the Internet.

4. Infrequent posts:
Search engines are particularly inclined to those websites which are updated regularly. If you are not posting and updating your blog on a daily basis, you stand to lose on a lot of traffic. That is just the thing that you do not want to happen to your blog. Keep in mind that although posting and updating are necessary, do not ever post garbage on your blog as it will lose credibility. Try posting 2 quality articles on a daily basis. It should help.

5. No formula to generate a lot of traffic:
There is no formula which exists that can guarantee you traffic. The only ones that I know of is start writing interactive articles which people will like to read and know about and work on the SEO side of things. Google will take care of the rest if you provide quality content.

6. A new blog:
If you have started a new blog recently then patience is the key to success in the blogging sphere. If you are new to the arena, search engines take months to index you and give you proper page ranks. Focus on posting quality posts regularly and building links. You will soon be indexed by the major search engines. Your patience will pay off in ways you could not have possibly imagined!

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