Why are Many Bloggers Not Earning Money Online or Earning Less?

There are many bloggers and growing day by day, but most of them will not earn money online and some of them make money but very less, Why? There might be many reasons, but i have come up with these major points.

Lack of interest:

Many bloggers are blogging just because of money, that makes them to blog forcefully which is out of interest. I have seen many bloggers who blog without any interest and get frustrated when they are not making money online. So you should stop blogging if you are not interested in writing, basic coding, sitting hours in front of internet and computer, reading others blog, etc..

Out of Interest Niche:

Many bloggers start blogging in a specific niche (category or topic) because just it pays good from Google Adsense or other advertising program, but they will be not having knowledge and interest in that niche. Please do not do this, start a blog with a topic in which you have more knowledge and interest, its not necessary that you should have knowledge (because you have Google..!!) the main thing is you should have interest.

Patience and Time:

I have seen many bloggers who start a blog, post some articles or photos in few days and say “i am not earning money online, i quit..” Blogging is one which needs lot of Patience and time, which are directly proportional to interest. If you don’t have Patience, then blogging is not for you.

Get-rich-quick scheme:

Blogging is not a Get-rich-quick scheme, so don’t expect huge money after first month only. I remind you that some of the bloggers earn more ($10,000) than a small software company earns, but that took them 2 to 3 years to reach that level with daily dedicated full time blogging. Some people get scammed by buying some software or CD which promises to get thousands of dollars in few days, so beware.

Knowledge about SEO:

In my concern “SEO (Search Engine Optimization) = Money” in blogging. If you blog for years without any basic SEO, you will make less money than a blogger who started blogging months ago with SEO. So search for SEO from your platform (wordpress, blogger, etc) in Google, forums, youtube, etc.. and know what is it, how it works, what to do, when to do, etc… If you go wrong or don’t get answers then ask webmasters in different forums, you will definitely get answers.

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