He have done MBA from IIM Indore and Computer Science degree from Andhra University.
When his blog started attracting considerable visitors, he thought of transforming this hobby into a full fledged earning idea. He started writing more and more about Excel and started earning through Google Adsense and selling affiliate products related to Excel.
His last year earning touched $1,00,000 mark and he is happy living a life on his own. He is happy that he left TCS and choose blogging as a career, as it gave him enough money and time for him and his family.
What have he learnt about Blogging ?
According to Chandoo, its not important to start running after those things which are heavily searched, like cricket and movies. But its important to stick to a point which you really love. In this way you can write your heart out as well as you can write for long.
Visit Chandoo.org