How often blog posting should be done?

This question certainly struck mind of bloggers. How many posting should be done in a day? What is the ideal posting frequency on my blog? I think posting frequency is a question that bloggers need to consider very carefully on a number of fronts. There is no fix answer for it. Here are some of the factors to consider:

1. It varies from blog to blog

If you are covering a huge number of topics then you may have to post consistently considering all topics to have constant readership. For example- If you have news blog, you will have lots of breaking news updates. If you have a Movie and music blog, it depends upon the time taken for upcoming movie,etc. For personal blogs, posting is done only when blogger has something to say.

2. Increased number of postings WILL help your blog grow

Most blogs have direct relationship between posting and readership. While doing so, you will have to consider bright features of it.

  • Increased posting posting will help in more indexing by search engine – Hence, it opens doorways for new visitors.
  • More number of times your blog will appear infront of subscribers – It increases chances of reading by them whatever you write.
  • Infrequent posting may hurt your readers – it may frustrate them because they want to read something and you don’t have anything new on blog

It isn’t as simple as saying the more posts you write the more readers you’ll have – but increasing your post frequency can definitely add life to a blog.

3. Posting too much is also undesirable

If you post too much you can frustrate readers and cause them to stop following your blog. Loyal readers may find that they are unable to keep pace with you and may stop reading. I too unsubscribe from such blogs unless and until i’m fan of it.

4. Sometimes less is more

When you blog matures, you may find there is no need to post more often. You will continue to get traffic from search engines with already indexed pages. It generally happens when blog becomes stable.

5. Dedication towards blog is important

This is the most important point. You should maintain regularity and rhythm of posting on blog. Some day, you may find to have broken the rhythm but it should be similar for other days.

You question is still unanswered- For new bloggers, I generally would say to a new blogger to post around 3 quality posts in their first weeks, aim for 4-5 in the weeks after and then to ramp it up to 6-7 after a month or so. Since, their posts are not burned out in beginning.

In this way you’re giving yourself room to get used to having to come up with an idea every day and you also give yourself a little more time to do other things that are important in the early days of a blog (networking, getting your design right, learning how to use your tools etc).

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