How To Protect Yourself From Cell Phone Radiation?

WHO, the World Health Organization on Last Year has announced publicly that heavy cell phone usage can possibly cause cancer. Studies have been conducted by 31 scientists from 14 different regions and have found that it causes some brain cancers (glioma and acoustic neuroma).

Cell phones or mobile phones actually are used to communicate important messages, however, in recent times, they're heavily used for long chit chats which potentially impacts cognitive memory functions and may cause disorientation and dizziness. So, it’s better to react before we get affected with these types of diseases.

Precautions to be Taken While Using Mobiles

   1. Limit the length of your calls on Cell phones: Prolonged use of mobile phones will increase the chances of making you exposed to radiated signals. Even a 2 minute phone call can affect your brain's natural electrical activity for up to an hour afterward. So, it’s better to avoid long calls and use mobiles only in emergency situations.

   2. Use a Hands-free (Headset) for talking: In case you're not able to limit the length of your calls, try to use the headphones (or loud speaker) while talking as this may help you keep your mobile away from your head (brain), thus minimizing the effect.

   3. Always keep your mobile in safe distance while using: While texting or emailing, try to keep your mobile away from your head and body. A minimal distance at which you could see the screen is OK. Also while dialing/connecting a number, phones normally use more radiation and so until the call gets connected, keep your mobile in safe distance from you.

   4. Stop moving while talking: If you continue to walk-around while talking on the phone, more radiation is emitted because the mobile needs to keep track of your position. So it’s better to stay still when using a cell phone. Also, try not to use cell phone while in traveling on bus, car, train it will be considered as walking-around and so more radiation is emitted.

   5. Don't let your children to use mobiles: Always bear in mind that children are more susceptible to radiation as their skulls are thinner and brains are less developed. The impact of radiation from cell phones on children can be a lot worse than expected.

   6. Mobile with high features will always be a threat: These days, mobiles are not just for talking. They're also being used for lot other works like entertainment, filming/shooting, blogging, working etc...The more fancy your mobile is, the more energy it requires, thus more radiation it emits. So, if you're concerned about your health, better go for any less fancy mobile which fulfills the actual calling needs.

   7. Use protective accessories that reduce radiation: Attaching a cell phone EMF protective device (small chip/button) will help in reducing the impact of transmitted signals.

   8. Mobile phone placement: Try not to keep your cell phone either in your shirt or jeans pockets why because placing your mobile at these two critical positions may affect your heart rates or sperm count. So, always carry your mobile in a bag/hand.

   9. Switch off your mobile when not in use: A mobile in standby mode still emits some radiation and so if you're not using it, switch it off.

  10. Ensure that the radio frequency is at normal/low rates: You can know the rate of radio frequency of your current mobile phone by checking the SAR (specific absorption rate) at the FCC website: Click on your mobile brand and see how your mobile stacks up.

Do let me know if these tips help you in reducing the cell phone radiation (or) any additional tips that you follow to fight radiation.

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