Which Business Should I Start?

Let me tell you the Secret of Successful Business. The Secret of any Successful Business is - "Passion of Entrepreneur".

Statistics are against the start up Business. According to statistics, 99 out of 100 start up Business wil fail before its 5th Anniversary and out of remaining again 99 out of 100 Businesses will fail before its 10 th Anniversary and if it survives beyond 10 years.........it become a Great Success.......!!!!!!

If you start any Business than in the starting few years, when the Business has Minimal Revenue, the only driving factor to run the Business is Entrepreneur's Passion only. And It is the Entrepreneur's Passion for that Business which drives any Business through the initial tough period.

So Which Business should you start?

Well, if you want to start a new Business than take a few weeks of break from your College or Job. Give your mind a complete rest and after that ask your self that,
"Which thing I like to do the most whole of my life without fatigue?"

Be Honest with yourself. Your answer can be anything.......

And what ever the answer comes, Just Build a Business around that answer. It is your Business.......... Understand?...

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