Young Teen Age Millionaire Entrepreneurs

Young Teen Age Millionaire Entrepreneurs
Well, This Article is about Young Entrepreneurs who have made their Fortune in the teen age. Well, yes between the age of 13-19 they had started their business venture and most of them were millionaires from their Internet Businesses before they left the College School.
These are just the few examples only. There is a whole generation of millionaire teens like this around the world…!!!!

Well, These Teens are not making 6 Figure Income in Dollars Online or from their Businesses. They are making 1 Million+ Dollars year after year from their Businesses…!!!
Than Why our Parents and School system teaches us that Business is Risky? While in the real life, not having a business is risky. This whole generation of Self-made Millionaire Teens can retire today only. It seems that our school system is only motivate us to become employees and self-employees only. It is not motivating us to become Entrepreneurs who really create jobs in the economy.
I think Education does not have anything to do with your Financial Success. After all This is the Information age and anyone from any age group can start making money by starting a Business on the Internet.
Well yes….These Teens have made their first Million from Lottery Winning Inheritance their Businesses.
Yup…None of them have won lottery or received huge inheritance. All of them have developed their successful businesses and made millions of dollars in their teen age. So read this article carefully and you may find your own Business Idea?…!!!

01) Ashley Qualls of

Ashley Qualls is the founder of – A Website that gives free MySpace layouts and earns through displaying the advertises on the site.
Ashley started her Internet Business in the year 2004 at the age of 14 years only and with the start-up capital of US $ 8 (Rs.400) which she borrowed from her mother to buy a Domain name. Today (2010) her website receives 7 Million visits a months (Yes…That’s 70,00,000 visits a Month..!!!) and up to now, she has made US $ 1.5 Million from her website.

02) Cameron Johnson
Cameron Johnson is the founder of the
Well, as of 2010 his Age is 24. But he started his first business when he was just 9. And today he is world’s one of the most successful Entrepreneur. Well, Yes. I am not exaggerating the things. World’s one of the most successful Entrepreneur is in his twenties.

03) Adam Hildreth of

Adam Hildreth was born on March 1985 and he setup his first business at the age of 14 years only. Well, Yes when the whole world teens where busy with playing games, partying with friends and studying hard – Adam was developing his own Business.

04) Catherine Cook of
Catherine Cook
Catherine is the founder of the Social Network which she founded with David Cook at the age of 16 in the year 2005. Today is the third largest social network in USA after Facebook and MySpace.

05) Fraser Doherty

Fraser Doherty is from Scotland and he started his first venture when he was just 14 from the start-up capital of US $ 5 only. He took her grand mother’s jam recipe and started making jams from fruits and fruit juices in his kitchen with the help of his grand mother.

06) James Murray Wells of

James Murray was still around 19 when he finished his high school and just entered in the first year of his collage in UK. He saw the great business opportunity in the online retail industry for selling glasses. He saw that there was not a single online Glasses company in UK and he click the idea to start the
He started his business from his College Loan money and after that never looked back. Within a year, he made US $ 1 Million and today his company is making 4 Million Sterling pounds a year….!!!

07) John Magennis

John started his Business of web designing when he was just 14 years old. His initial fees to design the Website templates was just US $ 15 but today he turned his business into the multi-million dollars empire. Today he charges as high as $ 30,000 to develop those website templates.
And he earns literally more than a million dollars from his Business.

08) Tyler Dikman of

This teen age young entrepreneur has made his first Million dollar before the age of 17 years. This Internet Entrepreneur is from Tampa, Florida.
This kid was a computer genius before others took having a home computer for granted. He set up a business helping people buy and use computers. Eventually he founded a computer company which earned him over $1 million before the age of 17

09) Farrah Gray

Well, When Farrah started his first venture he was not a teen. So honestly speaking he should not be in this category of Entrepreneurs. However, he made his first made his Million dollars between the age of 13-16 years and that’s why he is in this category.
Ohh….!!!! I forget to tell you that he started his first business when he was 10…!!!
Well, Yes. At the age of 10 years he and his friends started the business club and raised US $ 15,000 to finance a Lemonade Stand, an Internet Comic book and a traveling mini-mart.

10) Juliette Brindak

Juliette has founded the website when she was just 10. Well, Yes. She started her own Web Business when she was just 10 years old and that’s why we can not say that she is a Teen Entrepreneur. She is basically a Kid Entrepreneur.
At the age of 19 (February 2009), She was already worth of US $ 19 Million. And well…well…but at the age of 19 she was in her own business since almost a decade…!!!!

11) Michael Furdyk

When Michael Furdyk was just 13, he started his website business with his partners. And when he became 17, he sold his profitable website business for whooping US $ 1 Million….!!!!
Well, yes. Before leaving his high school, Michael had US $ 1 Million in his Bank Accounts.

12) Matt Wegryzn

Matt has made over US $ 1 Million at the age of 17 from Domain Flipping only. Well, yes. He made his first million when he has still not completed his high school. And many of the domain names he wold where worth of US $ 50,000+.
Matt is originally from Poland but now live in NYC.

13) Paul Bourque

Paul started affiliate marketing business at the age of 18 and in less than 1 year, he started making literally US $ 300,000 every month from AzoogleAds – A Performance based online marketing platform.

14) Limerick Brothers – John and Patrick Collison
John & Patrick Collison Software millionaires
The above photograph is of two brothers – John & Patrick Collison.
They started their first venture when they were 17 and 19 years of age. They founded the software Company – A Software Company which provides software for heavy eBay users. This Software company was acquired by Canadian Company Live Current Media for more than 3 Million Sterling Pounds in the year 2008.…..Well yes and that is whooping Rs. 24 Crores at the age of 20.

15) Abbey Fleck of Makin Bacon

This Girl actually doesn’t fall in our list of teen age millionaire entrepreneurs because she started her business at the age of 8 years. Well, Yes. just 8 years. She invented a product called Makin’Bacon at the tender age of 8. The product cooks bacon in such a way as to reduce the fat content of the food without taking away its flavor. The product was such a success that she now earns over $1 million annually in royalties from the Makin’Bacon business. 

16) Richie Stachowski

Well, yes. Again this entrepreneur does not belong to the teen age millionaire entrepreneur category. But he is belong to the Kid Millionaire Entrepreneur category. At the age of 12 years this boy has invented “Water Talkie” which is a device to communicate clearly under water.

17) Mike McDonald
Who says that you can only become a millionaire in your teen age by doing a Business only? Take the example of Mike McDonald. Mike is a professional poker player. And he first time became a millionaire at the age of 18 by playing a poker tournament at European Poker.

18) Carl Churchill

Carl is the UK based British Designer also known as the British Bill Gates. He started his Internet Business at the age of 12 years and when he was 19, he was already making more than 1 Million pounds from his Internet Business.
And according to the projections, by the end of 2020, his profits will touch more than 100 Million pounds every year from his Internet Business.

19) Brett Klasko

Brett Klasko first time became the executive and CEO of a Multi-million dollar Dot Com Company – Phinaz Media Group at the age of 14 years. Current age is 25 years (As of 2009). He is one of the Best CEOs under the age of 25 in the world.

20) Anand Lal Shimpi

Anand lal Shimpi has founded his website Business AnandTech.comat the age of 15 years. It is the Technology website having the annual ad revenue of more than US $ 1.5 Million.

21) Jayson Meyer of Meyer Tech

At  17, Jayson and his company has been revenue over 1.5 million.  He is currently the president of Meyer Tech builds customized computers, which Mr. Meyer and his team make from hardware parts they buy. His employees also write a variety of software programs, including customized accounting and billing programs, and design and maintain communications systems for business clients.

22) Ephren Taylor
Ephren Taylor
Ephren W. Taylor II is the youngest African-American CEO of any publicly traded company ever—City Capital Corporation (OTCBB:CTCC).

  • Made first million by 16

  • Youngest Black CEO of a Publicly Traded Company

  • Oversees over 250 Million in Assets

  • Starting Investment Clubs at schools across the nation

  • Developing national business plan competition for university students

  • Started business ventures at the age of 12

  • Works with superstar entertainers such as Snoop Dogg and Fat Joe

  • Diverse client list ranges from Stock Market Day Traders to Hip Hop Icons


  • 23) Sean Belnick of

    This Kid started his Business at the age of 14 years. He spent 3 full days to develop his business plan and ultimately came up with the idea of – a Business that sells office furniture and other supplies.
    Well, yes…And the Start-up Capital for the Business was just US $ 500….!!!
    In less than 5 years, his business started making Literally US $ 50 Million per year…!!!

    24) William Felix – The Millionaire owner of Loan Mower Company

    William Felix became Millionaire from his Lawn Mower Company at Age 17
    How successful can a lawnmower company be? It can be a million-dollar business if you’re good at which was proven by the success of this seventeen-year-old.

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