What is Pinterest?
Well,Pinterest is a Social Networking sites which allows users to organise and share the *Pin from the Web and can repin others users Pin and links.Pinterest is very useful in browsing **Pinboards according to their interest and can take inspiration from users who share your interest.
*Pin: Pin here means to any image added to Pinterest. A pin can be added from a website using the Pin button and by giving the URL for pin OR can be uploaded from your Computer. Each pin added using the Pin button links back to the site it came from.
**Pinboards:A Pinboard here means to a set of Pins.It can be on any topic such as Cool posters,recipes etc.A Pinterest user can create unlimited Pinboards.Here Bloggers can add their Website/Blog as Pinboard and later can add pins to it.I will explain it further.
Why You Should Join Pinterest?
I think you should join Pinterest because it allows you to follow new people based on your interest.You are able to get new information based on your interest and it enables to share content in a whole new way.
Pinterest can be used as a way to browse and pass time.It can also helpful for collecting information,ideas,decorating homes, and share their favorite recipes.And if you are a Blogger/website owner you must join it due to following reasons in this post.
How Pinterest is useful for Bloggers?
Yeah ! Pinterest is beneficial for Bloggers/Website Owners if its being use in a right way.You can drive a lot traffic from it.Now you will say How?Let me explain this first you have to create a Pinboard for your site/Blog in your Pinterest Profile.To create a new pinboard just click Add+ at the top and choose create a board.
Now,you will be asking for Board name here enter your Blog name,in category choose your appropriate category that fits your blog and select the Just me in Who can Pin,you can also choose Me+ contributors and have to add contributors name if he/she already on Pinterest or email to invite him/her to contribute your Pinboard in adding pins to it.
How to Add a Pin
To add a Pin first of all click Add+ again at the top of your Pinterest homepage and select Add a pin.After that you will be shown a window saying Add a pin just enter your Blog post URL in that and proceed with find images.After it select your Pinboard from drop down menu and enter your post description.Now it will fetch the image and it will show to your followers and in Pins tab in your profile.And now Pinterest user can like,comment and re-pin your pin if they find it interesting or helpful.In this way,Pinterest generates traffic to your Blog.Clicking on the Pin will take users to the website from where the image is pinned.
Conclusion:Use a eye catching pic for your post on Pinterest.so that Pinterest users interested in clicking over that and that lands to your website.
How Can You Join Pinterest?
Till the Website can be joined by invitation only .Either you grab it from any Friend that is already on Pinterest or Request an invite from them [this can take time].After receiving of invitation you can sign up from facebook as well as Twitter.